Oh woe is Lylah. Last chapter saw a turbulent time for our young heroine as she met a boy, fell in love, slept with him, slept with his father, got knocked up, had a baby, got discovered cheating, and witnessed her boyfriend and her lover dying a fiery flamey death.
All in a days work for a Sim under my supreme guardianship...
Yes, it's been hard for Lylah, but it's not all bad! Lylah's indiscretion has at least provided her with a son- a lovely boy by the name of Julian.
Yeah, he'll do.
Though I don't think Anubis is quite so keen on the lad...
But although Lylah had a man, of sorts, in her life it was often still quite lonely. Therefore, I felt it was time to look for alternative companionship...
What would any legacy be without a Simbot?
Oh no.. Come on Lylah, that's no way to greet our new housemate Zingbot.
See, this is why I was a little concerned about building a Simbot. I love the Bots so much, but the last time I had one during my legacy it caused so many problems in terms of glitches that it made my game unplayable at times. Here's hoping Lylah's apparent dislike of Zingbot is just a fluke and I won't suffer through Sims spazzing out around him all the time.
Anyways, over the next couple of days there were no immediate problems glitch-wise, so things progressed nicely until it was time for Julian's birthday.
Well, I say nicely but the fact that Zingbot is pointing and laughing at Julian on his birthday has me unamused...
But let's ignore Zingbot's mean meanyness for a moment as we watch Julian age up.
Well... it's not the most attractive birthday portrait but I guess it'll do.
Immediately following his transition Julian got to skilling. As a Genius he was interested in all things brainy, and so he spent his time playing chess and experimenting with his chemistry set.
Elsewhere in the house Zingbot was also building up his skills. He was employed in the Political career and so began to work on his charisma.
But when he wasn't out schmoozing his constituents he liked to spend his time, well, elsewhere in time.
Lylah actually built this time machine a while ago but I was always afraid to let her use it (unwanted time machine babies and all) but Zingbot is the perfect person to go frolicking through time as he can't procreate.
Lylah was more than happy to let Zingbot have all the adventures as she preferred to spend her time painting.
Over the next few days it became clear that Zingbot was definitely the adventurous one in the family, given the amount of time he spent out at the local club.
Although he wasn't exactly welcomed wherever he went... Rude Simbot-snubbing scumbags.
Eventually Zingbot retired to the bar to drown his sorrows with a quick drink.
...Or two.
Yep, no more booze for Zingbot.
Meanwhile, Julian had more wholesome pursuits in mind. One of Julian's traits is Loves The Outdoors so his favourite activities were fishing...
...and snorkeling...
...and windsurfing.
Then when the night drew in Julian would head inside and spend his evening gazing up at the stars.
Julian spent a lot of time out and about during his childhood years, which meant that back at home Lylah and Zingbot only had each other for company.
Um, yeah... I don't know what happened here. Lylah doesn't have any flirty traits but she is Irresistible, and as such, well, I guess she just felt lonesome one day and decided to hit up Zingbot.
He seemed pretty into it.
Well, for a little while anyways. Not long after coming onto Zingbot, Lylah then decided it would be a fantastic idea to play a fairy trick on him (I think it was called 'Hot Head').
Oh dear..
The relationship deteriorated somewhat after that.
Seeing as we were on the verge of a Simbot/Fairy smackdown I figured the best thing would be to send the twosome out for the night to (hopefully) unwind.
Okay, so they mostly avoided eachother as Zingbot stayed at the bar whilst Lylah took to the dancefloor, but still, at least they weren't fighting anymore.
Ohhhhhhh I wish I could tell you something exciting about the next few days in the Wolf household, but honestly not a whole lot went on. Skilling is the name of the game for my Simmies at the moment, so that's what they spend most of their time doing.
All that skill building did pay off though, as Lylah was able to increase her painting skill so much that she could paint masterpieces, as shown.
Yeah... she looks bloody excited about it doesn't she?
Okay so, here we are now at Julian's birthday party, where once again Zingbot continued in his tradition of pointing and laughing at the poor lad.
Shall we see what our boy looks like as a teenager eh?
Hmm, very suave.
The morning after Julian's birthday it was time for a change. Lylah had lived in Hidden Springs since early adulthood and it hadn't always been the best locale (mainly due to Lylah making poor decisions but hey ho). Consequently it was time for a fresh start of sorts, and a move...
..To Isla Paradiso!
The Wolf Legacy house came too because, yanno, realism.
Ah, life in a tropical paradise. Sun, sea, sand, stalking- oh no wait, maybe that's just me...
Life really was a beach for Julian during his teenage years. The world of Isla Paradiso afforded some exciting activities, and Julian was more than happy to take these on. His new favourite pastime was of course scuba diving.
Ahem, anyways. Whenever he wasn't at school Julian spent most of his time under the sea; collecting shells and exploring caves and whatnot.
When on land he took up gardening, and soon had the backyard full of all sorts of lovely plantables.
But as well as this he also took up a number of indoor pursuits, such as playing with this shiny machine here in the name of science. Yeah, science bitch.
I have to say though, all this skilling was a little bit lonesome... Julian had so many hobbies he didn't really have any time for friends, so of course I had to do something about that.
It's okay folks, I got him a pal...
A woofer!
Ladies and gentlemen, meet Bowser.
Aww don't worry Anubis, we still loves you.
And speaking of love... I guess they just couldn't fight it anymore, the attraction was just too strong... or you know, maybe Zingbot is the only 'male' Lylah knows in Isla Paradiso.
But who am I to stand in the way of true love?
Hmm, I am a little concerned though that this may result in a few unfortunate accidents... 'Oil leaks' and so on.
What did I tell you! One roll in the sack and Zingbot's busted his nuts and bolts already.
FRIEND ALERT FRIEND ALERT. Your eyes do not deceive you fair readers, Julian has indeed made a friend. This is Cal.
Don't spook him, you might scare him off...
Yep, things are certainly going well in the Heart household. Lylah and Zingbot are loved up, Julian's doing really well in school and with his skills, and has even made a friend. The doggies are happy as usual. What could possibly go wrong...
I had to ask didn't I. Does anyone know what that weird shadow on the ground is? Readers of my last legacy may recall...
It was a nice enough day in the Wolf household. Julian was out gardening in the sunshine, but all of a sudden there was an ominous booming sound and he suddenly stopped and pulled this face.
Zingbot came rushing outside to see what was going on, meanwhile Lylah was having a nice snooze in her fairyhouse.
Suddenly all was quiet. There was a brief moment of peace, and then Julian began to brace for impact...
Immediately after the meteor impact there was chaos. Lylah awoke from her slumber and flew frantically across the garden as Zingbot attempted to put out the numerous fires.
It seemed like only Bowser noticed that someone was missing...
A reaper is never a good sign.
Ohhhhhhhhh holy shitballs. Poor Julian! He loved looking up at the night sky, but the night sky just loved him so much in return that it sent a meteor down to smack him in the face. Life sucks.
But all is not lost. Lylah's a pretty savvy girl, so of course she can beat the Grim Reaper in a game of chess... Right?
Oh crap.
Bollocking hell! So my legacy heir is dead, and all I'm left with is a fairy and an impotent Simbot. What the hell am I supposed to do now??