Anyone interested in a very cardboardy-looking slice of pizza? No? Okay, more for Bryony then- she needs it to refuel after spending the whole evening out trying to befriend a unicorn.
Someone also needing to recover from the nights events was Aafia, as she found herself feeling a little dehydrated after spending the night in the sauna.
Adam was also lacking in energy after his sauna experience, so he soon grabbed hold of Bryony to feast on her tasty tasty blood.
You know there's that theory how vampires can't enter your house unless you invite them, and then once they're in they can enter whenever they want? I think I should have remembered that, as now I'm stuck with a tubby vamp who spends all his time lounging about the place and only has a part-time job.
Not to mention the fact that he's greedy as fuck, nomming not only on Bryony...
...but Aafia too...
...and he even had a go on Aarin.
I think the only one immune to his 'charms' was Bonehilda- she seemed to think Adam was more than a little bit odd and felt the need to inkblot test him.
But as well as sucking the marrow out of everyone in the Wolf household, Adam also took advantage of them in other ways. Bryony was his girlfriend and they had been together since they were teenagers, but that's not to say he had been faithful all this time...
Recently, Adam had decided that one woman just wasn't enough for him, and after using his vampiric influences had also managed to bend Aafia to his will.
And it seemed like Adam's antics weren't going to be rumbled for a while, as Bryony continued to spend most of her evenings out at the local fishing pond chatting to the resident unicorn.
Things were going well until THIS HAPPENED.
I was a bit alarmed at first, but it turns out the unicorn wasn't hurting Bryony he was actually blessing her.
As things were going so well it seemed like it would be a good idea to ask the unicorn to move into the household.
But unfortunately the unicorn refused, telling Bryony she had to be 'a friend to all animals' first.
Birthday timeeeeeeeeeeee- Namibia is now an olde kitty *boo hiss*
So later on that week it was 'Snow Day' (aka Christmas) so of course I threw a lovely gift giving party for the occasion.
Oh come on Ivy, stop your complaining- this party is not boring.
It was a thrilling event- honest- with presents for all.
Although some presents were a little unexpected...
Immediately after discovering she was pregnant Aafia headed to her bedroom to tell Adam the news.
And to my surprise Adam was actually quite excited when he learnt he was going to be a dad.
All in all both Adam and Aafia were thrilled with the news, but now only one question remained...
...What to do about Bryony?
It was a very difficult situation to be in, but one that Aafia felt was completely out of her control. She hadn't meant to fall in love with Adam or fall pregnant, but now she was she knew she wanted them to raise the baby together.
As much as her and Bryony weren't exactly the best of friends they were still somewhat close, and so Aafia wanted to find a way to start a life with Adam without completely destroying Bryony.
The following morning Bryony had gone for a walk in the neighbourhood, and soon found herself over at her next door neighbour's house trying to make friends with their dog.
When she wandered back home a little later she arrived just in time to see Adam and Aafia heading outdoors and disappearing down the street.
She didn't really think much of it at first, but later that day when she received a text message from Adam it all became painfully clear.
With her heart broken, Bryony tried her best to just carry on as normal and live her life to the best of her ability.
As winter continued she spent most of her time out on the farm with Mocha, her cows, and her chickens.
Or inside with the cats, on this occasion getting clawed to death by Namibia as she didn't want to have a flea bath.
It wasn't until spring came around and the snow had melted that she ventured outdoors once more.
During a morning jog she found herself at her neighour's house once again and used the opportunity to continue to try and befriend Jambo the dog.
But I guess there's only so long you can loiter outside someone's house playing with their dog until the occupant has to come outside to find out what you're doing.
Considering it was still pissing it outside the neighbour- Charlie- decided it would only be poilte to ask Bryony to come inside. Once indoors, the duo began to get to know each other a bit better.
I like to think Bryony's face says it all at this point.
As the bad weather continued for most of the day Bryony stayed at Charlie's house for a while, just playing chess and talking until the rain stopped and she could return home.
The following day Bryony spent the morning sleeping in, so her mother Aarin took care of weeding the plants in the garden. But while she was outdoors she received a phonecall from an old friend inviting her over for a visit, which she eagerly accepted.
Aarin arrived at Aafia's house later that day, eager to see her sister once again in spite of the hurt she had caused to her own daughter.
She soon took the opportunity to get to know her new baby niece who was named Alix, and whilst there she also discovered that Adam and Aafia had gotten married.
Aarin was happy for Aafia, but that's not to say she was a particularly big fan of Adam...
Later that week, Bryony received a phonecall from Charlie asking her out on a date, which she was only too thrilled to accept.
They decided to meet at the boardwalk and spend the day enjoying the summer sun.
Apparently Bryony was pretty excited...
The excitement continued as they tried out the rollercoasters on offer.
Fortunately both Charlie and Bryony seemed to enjoy the adrenaline rush, and so were happy to ride multiple coasters throughout the day.
Although when it came to one of the larger drops Bryony did pull this face...
After the thrill of the rides the couple decided to relax and enjoy a nice snowcone.
It was late afternoon by this point, and as the night began to draw in Charlie and Bryony relaxed on a bench and gazed into each other's eyes.
I think kissing was pretty much inevitable.
The kissing continued over the subsequent week as Bryony spend a number of days over at Charlie's house.
The twosome had become fast friends, and had formed a strong bond very quickly.
They had a lot of similar interests and so enjoyed doing activities together such as playing sports.
They also spent some nice evenings out at the local bistro, complimentary food of course due to the fact that Bryony's mother owns both restaurants in town.
And of course many evenings were also spent cuddled up in the bedroom.
On one such evening unfortunately Aarin died. Well, I say 'unfortunately', but honestly- it's about fucking time. Aarin has lived longer than any elder I have ever had- even her son Max had also become an elder by this point.
So yeah, bye Aarin.
Unfortunately Bryony wasn't at home at the time of Aarin's death so she wasn't there to say goodbye.
But it's okay, because she had Charlie to console her.
And finally I leave you with the news that two of my gnomes have had a baby. Yes, really.
Ta rah for now.