Hello my friends, we begin this chapter of The Wolf Family Legacy with a birthday, as is often the case. It was the turn of Jinxy the dog to become an elder, soz for the slightly crap and static picture...
Moving on to more exciting things now, such as Trent doing the gardening in his underwear. Lovely, yes?
When he wasn't pulling plants in his pants Trent also liked to busy himself with passing on his knowledge to his younger brother Rafferty by tutoring him. Trent's help was invaluable really, and enabled Raff to excel in school.
But that's not to say that Rafferty was always so happy with me pushing him when it came to school and related activities... Soz Raff. One day I'm sure you'll be pleased you took ballet!
Fortunately for Rafferty the torture of ballet wasn't to last much longer as it was time for him to age up into a teenager.
As a teenager much of Rafferty's pursuits were the same as when he was a child. He had the artistic trait and as such spent a great deal of his time painting and the like.
His newest trait as a teenager though made him a lover of animals, so he soon took it upon himself to tend to the needs of the many pets in the household.
He was able to bond with Winter the unicorn quite easily, which was a bit of a surprise to me as Winter could be a bit stubborn.
That's probably why Rafferty was so scared when it came to riding Winter, but it's alright- he didn't get thrown off too often...
And as well as caring for all of the animals in the house Rafferty also had time to look after the plants as he began to work in the garden with his big brother Trent.
Just as well really, as Trent couldn't always be relied on when it came to the gardening- he often found himself rather more interested in hanging out with his new girlfriend Celeste.
And what of the parents in the household? Well I wish I could say that Bryony and Charlie were spending their maturing years sitting around having a cup of tea with their slippers on, but nope. Instead they preferred to spend their time bonking in all the rooms in the house.
Honestly, I'm not kidding- every time I leave them alone for a minute they're at it. During this incident in particular they're actually in Rafferty's bed! For shame...
Fortunately Rafferty never had to find out about his parents dirty habits, as he was busy flirting himself.
It didn't go well though, perhaps in part due to the fact that this lady- Morgan- is actually distantly related to Rafferty (she's the daughter of generation three's Aafia, which makes her Rafferty's grandmother's sister's daughter, or something like that).
But that's not to say that Rafferty had much luck with any other ladies, even the ones he wasn't related to.
In the end I decided probably the best thing to do was to get him working on his charisma skill, to give him a better chance at charming the fairer sex.
And it definitely worked, in one way or another. The friends came first, and before long Rafferty had his own little crew who he joined up with in order to terrorise the neighbourhood, as you do.
Girls came later, and by the time it came to the 'leisure day' pool party Rafferty was a hit with the females.
Of course, my game couldn't just let me enjoy this moment, could it? No, as it was a party of-fucking-course someone had to die, in this case it was Bryony, in her swimwear and uggs no less.
Naturally everyone in the household was devastated, but Bryony herself took it quite well.
Losing Bryony was tough, but life went on- as shown by the arrival of a baby gnome the next day. Congrats to the gay gnome dads!
Meanwhile, Rafferty was coping with his mom's death by smooching on ladies such as Charlotte here, with Big Ginge the cat as his wingman.
Even though they were only young Rafferty and Charlotte soon took things to the next level, thanks to my Woohooer mod and me not paying attention...
But not all Sims were caving to the Woohooer mod's naughty influence, nope- things for Trent and Celeste were moving much more slowly.
They spend most days together, usually locked in one embrace or another. They were so caught up in the moment on this occasion that they didn't notice Charlie in the background crying over the sleeping ghost of his dead wife :'(
It was no real surprise when Charlie died the next day, as he was pretty darn old by this point.
See ya Charlie.
The departure of both the Wolf elders meant that when it came time for Trent to celebrate his birthday it was really just him and Rafferty on their own.
Well, we did have one ghost show up- he's not a family member though so I don't know where he came from.
Celeste had showed up to enjoy the birthday celebrations as well, though she and Trent weren't able to do too much celebrating on account of the fact that she was still a teenager.
So now Trent was all grown up it was time for him to get serious about his life and start making some money to support him and Rafferty. By this point there was a reasonable amount of money in the household funds, and Trent decided to invest this in property.
It didn't buy much...
But after splashing a bit of cash we were soon able to open the Wolf Wanderlust Resort.
I think my favourite part of the resort is the VIP cabins. Very swank.
As most of the money had been spent on the renovations there wasn't much left for things like staff, so Trent made sure to cut costs by upgrading all of the relevant sinks/toilets etc. so they were self cleaning.
Rafferty on the other hand didn't really contribute anything to the upkeep of the resort, but he certainly reaped the benefits.
It turned out bragging about being a resort owner made you a massive hit with the ladies.
And it enabled Raff to seal the deal with new girlfriend Dani.
He had another go with Charlotte as well though...
A few days later and a very excited Celeste was round at the Wolf household after aging into a young adult.
Trent rolled the wish to ask Celeste to move in and I of course obliged, and the couple soon settled in to their new life together.
But that's when things got weird. No sooner than Celeste had moved in she started pulling some weird facial expressions...
By the time she started cackling on the beach I decided to have a look at her traits to see what was up, and that was when I realised. This girl has some of the most rotten traits I have ever seen in my life! She's Evil, Inappropriate, a Loner, she Hates the Outdoors, and she Can't Stand Art. What have I let myself in for...
Elsewhere in town someone else was showing off their mean side, as Rafferty made fun of the local hipster vampire crowd.
Fortunately Rafferty didn't actually have any mean traits, though he was a rebel and consequently liked to cause trouble.
The next morning brought the start of winter time in Isla Paradiso, and the beginning of a long and snowy season. As you can imagine inches of snow on the ground wasn't very good for resort profits, so Trent also started a job as a teacher to keep the family funds topped up.
In the evening it was birthday time as we celebrated Rafferty's transition into a young adult.
And Rafferty wasn't the only one to celebrate a birthday that day, as it was also the turn of Floyd and Lloyd to age up into elders.
After all the birthdays were over and done with Rafferty wasted no time in embracing his still-teenaged girlfriend Dani.
I don't think it was necessarily the best idea...
Meanwhile in the living room there was more embracing going on, courtesy of Trent and Celeste.
And some proposing as well.
Awww, ain't they cute.