Oh. That's really not the sort of sight you want to greet you when you open up your game- Death cuddling your Sims' beloved family cat.
Still, I guess the end comes to us all, and on this occasion it was time for Big Ginge to head on upstairs. Goodbye buddy.
Now sadly there was actually no one at home to see Big Ginge off, as they were all at the resort helping to celebrate Trent's birthday.
Welcome to being an adult, old man.
Not only was that night Trent's birthday, but it was also the continuation of his first date with Tifa, who made sure Trent's aging was celebrated in style... ;)
Trent and Tifa's second date didn't come until a few days later when Trent visited her at her home, by which time Tifa was looking a little bit porky...
Turns out Trent and his wonder-woohooing had only gone and knocked her up, hadn't it?
Okay, so it had come about very quickly and wasn't at all planned, but nevertheless Trent was thrilled with the exciting news. Consequently he decided to ask Tifa to move in with him, bringing her son Casper into the family home too.
Tifa worked as an Architectural Designer, however being pregnant and all she took some time away from work to practice her drawings at home.
In no time at all Tifa went into labour, as Trent rushed to be by his girlfriend's side.
Oiiiiiii! Get out of the leaves Trent and go support Tifa!
Well, I guess screaming and panicking at her side is a form of support...
Anywho, let's welcome the newest Wolf to the family shall we- a little girl named Delphi.
Now as we all know the baby stage is hella boring, so I'm ashamed to say that Delphi was just left with Bonehilda as Trent and Tifa spent their time out and about at parties and the like.
Oh, I guess not everyone approves of Trent and Tifa's somewhat relaxed approach to parenting...
I guess I can't blame Tifa for being sort of hands off though, her other child Casper is happiest when he's alone, or surrounded by spooky dead pets.
Anyways, relaxed parenting or not Delphi managed alright and made it to her toddler years. Let's have a look at her shall we.
AHMAGADDDDDDDDDDD. How cute is she????
Also, is anyone else getting a strong Daenerys Targaryen vibe? Dragons and everything!
Yep, our little Delphi is certainly a cutie, and fortunately her parents thought so too. They made sure Delphi had everything she needed as she set about learning her life skills.
But although Delphi looks sweet of course because she was one of my Simmies there was a problem.
She's actually a bit of a brat...
But it's not like she's the only one- big brother Casper isn't much better.
Scratch that- not only is he not any better, he's much much worse.
It was my fault really for encouraging him to make friends- I should have just left him alone with his ghost pals.
Unsurprisingly Casper went through childhood very much a loner, and consequently when the time came for him to age up he did this alone too.
Ooh, he makes a very pretty teenager doesn't he?
Casper wasn't the only one celebrating a birthday that day- his step-uncle Rafferty was also aging up as he became an adult.
But back to Casper for a moment as we see what he's like as a teenager. Well, unsurprisingly he's a moody little bugger.
Not only that but he's as gothic as ever. There happens to be a graveyard just down the road from the Wolf household, but why oh why Casper took it upon himself to go hang out there I will never know.
To be honest Casper actually spent very little time at home, and when he did return he was quickly yelled at by Tifa for breaking curfew.
I think the only person Casper really got on well with in the household was Rafferty.
I did have a slim hope that Casper and Delphi would end up being friends.
But it wasn't to be.
Poor little lamb :(
Fortunately Delphi didn't have to worry about Casper stealing her candy for long, as it was time for her to grow up into a child.
And here she is.
So as a child Delphi had the Artistic trait, and therefore spent a great deal of time painting.
She was also a Snob, and this manifested in a really weird way where she would constantly go around doing impressions of people.
This left her feeling very pleased with herself.
Oh my gawd...
Like her older brother, Delphi didn't really have any friends in childhood, and once again I hoped the two of them might bond a little.
Unfortunately Casper's first instinct when socialising with Delphi was to patronise her though...
She was not happy...
Eventually I decided the best thing would be to get Delphi a cutesy little kitty to keep her company.
I should have kept the receipt on this one though as I ended up with a complete lunatic scaredy cat.
Oh what the hell is up with this cat?
Eventually Snowball the cat returned to her normal form (thank god) and I turned my attention to the annual giftgiving party.
I did everything I could to ensure there was a good amount of guests and some lovely presents available, but unfortunately that wasn't enough for a certain mardy madam...
Stop booing me Delphi, I'm trying my best!
I wish I could say the party went off without a hitch, but I would be lying.
First, Rafferty peed himself in the middle of the living room...
Then Death showed up to take Floyd the dog to the afterlife.
It was a sad thing to lose another family pet, but it did give Casper an opportunity to bond with his estranged Dad.
It made a nice change I think, as Casper's attempts to bond with anyone else in the neighbourhood never seemed to go very well...
Elsewhere in the household things were going a little bit better for Delphi as she was finally able to bond with Snowball the cat, thank gawd.
Although it had taken a long time, partly due to the fact that Delphi spent most of her time running screaming around the house anytime Bonehilda appeared.
On one such occasion Delphi ran screaming up to the attic to escape, and came across something infinitely more terrifying.
Death showing up in the Wolf household is a relatively common occurrence, what with the amount of pets the Wolf's have and all, but on this occasion when Death materialised in the attic I knew it was a little bit different.
Ah shit. I had thought we were keeping Triple Cream the cowplant well fed, but apparently not well enough...
Apparently Death just couldn't possibly claim a soul in the cramped attic, so he and the ghost of Tifa made their way downstairs.
Oh, second floor not good enough either? Very well, carry on then.
Eventually the duo stopped in the downstairs hallway, where Tifa took the chance to beg for her life.
It didn't work.
On this occasion Casper wasn't exactly happy to see his Dad.
But he wasn't as mad as Trent was...