So I know what you're thinking- 'I thought this was all about Cloud's story, he's the legacy heir so surely we should be focusing on him right?' Well yes, of course, that would be the plan- but unfortunately his parents Delphi and Josh have other ideas.
Y'see, ever since I made the two of them immortal, Delphi and Josh have basically spent their time enjoying various sexcapades all over town.
On this occasion Josh was actually at Cloud's house for his bachelor party, which Delphi invited herself along to for unknown reasons.
After they had defiled Cloud's bed with their shenanigans eventually Delphi and Josh managed to spend some time celebrating with their son.
I suspect a little bit too much 'juice' was consumed though, as Cloud stripped down to some delightful flowery boxers whilst Delphi slow-danced with her son-in-law Ray....
Dear God what is this family...
Elsewhere in the household one of the family dogs- Sirius- was celebrating a birthday as he became an Elder.
The next night it was party time once again as Cloud, Faith, and friends gathered at the Cloud Nine resort for the wedding.
Ahem, wedding time guys- get with it.
That's better. Look at that goofy little grin ^_^
Erm, get a room guys...
Is that a quiet boiling rage I see on your face, Delphi? No? Maybe I'm imagining it...
So after the ceremony the happy couple retired to one of the nearby cabins for their wedding night.
And a very successful wedding night it was indeed, as evidenced by the baby bump that Faith was sporting a couple of days later.
Faith of course couldn't wait to share the news with her new husba--- Hey, wait a minute- that's not Cloud. Erm, apparently sharing the news with her boss Erik was higher on Faith's list of priorities...
As it turned out Cloud wasn't even the second or third to know about the pregnancy- that honour went to Delphi and Josh, who were thrilled to hear that they were to become grandparents.
Eventually though Cloud learned that he was going to be a father, and he couldn't have been more excited.
But whilst Cloud was busy at home getting the house ready for the impending arrival, Faith was still over at her boss Eric's house, and things were taking a worryingly flirty turn...
Wipe that look off your face Faith, I don't like it...
I directed Faith towards home after that, but she didn't quite make it there before she went into labour.
Cloud went to meet Faith at the hospital, and eventually the duo returned home with a brand new baby boy and girl.
Cloud took to fatherhood instantly, and made sure both twins settled in quickly to their new home.
But where was Faith at this critical time during the twins' development? Well, she was at Eric's house...
And this was when I did something silly. You know occasionally other Sims will ask your Sim to move in with them? Well, that's exactly what happened here- Eric asked Faith to move in with him and I wasn't paying attention so, erm...
...I accidentally clicked yes...
As soon as Cloud was finished with work I sent him round to try and remedy the situation by getting Faith to move back in to the legacy house.
But unfortunately Cloud didn't like what he saw when he got there...
To her credit(?) Faith did at least try to apologise to Cloud for cheating on him, but Cloud wasn't ready to hear it.
Sadly, this was to be the end of Cloud's short-lived marriage.
But let's not dwell on such sadness, let's instead turn to happier things- such as the twins aging up.
And here they are as toddlers! I guess I should introduce you to them properly- this is Avery on the left, and Azalea on the right.
The next day there was another birthday on the cards as Cloud prepared to turn into an Adult.
This isn't about you Delphi, get your big face out of there...
Welcome to adulthood Cloud.
Goddammit, Delphi...
So now that Cloud was a responsible adult and such he of course made sure his first priority was taking care of his children.
Although some of them were a little harder to take care of than others...
Fortunately help was on hand though in the form of eager grandparents Delphi and Josh.
Though I really wish their 'method' of parenting didn't involve tearing round the house at breakneck speed, often with a vulnerable child in hand...
So with the kids 'safe' in the hands of their grandparents, Cloud was able to continue to persue his career as a lifeguard.
It was a bit cruel though that on Cloud's first week back on the job his ex-wife showed up and pretended to be in need of rescue.
I'm sure it was incredibly tempting to just let Faith die of heatstroke or whatever, but Cloud's a good guy so he did what he needed to do to rescue her.
Only for the smug bitch to then go and flash her shiny new engagement ring in Cloud's face. Real classy, Faith...
Yeah, don't even try to apologise.
A few days later and Cloud was having a slightly better day on the job, as he received emphatic gratitude from a young lady he'd just rescued called Casey.
Cloud's career as a lifeguard was progressing nicely by this point, and it had even earned him a new flirty interaction- 'demonstrate mouth to mouth'...
It was pretty smooth, by all accounts.
Over the next several days what followed was a series of dates for Cloud and his new friend Casey.
Culminating in their first kiss.
Now whilst I was keeping an eye on Cloud and his blossoming lovelife I unfortunately missed a rather important event, as apparently back at home Cloud's pet pooch Milo had passed on.
Milo was probably my favourite Wolf family pet so far, and I shall miss him :(
But as you know, life goes on. Not long after it was time for the twins' birthday- and a party was thrown to celebrate the occasion.
Avery was up first.
Followed by Azalea.
Um, Cloud? Your only daughter is aging up right now, could you maybe drag your attention away from your new girlfriend for one minute?
I guess not...
By this point it was pretty clear that Cloud was very taken with Casey, so it came as no surprise when he asked her to be his roommate.
And Casey wasn't the only 'new' family member, as an imaginary friend also joined the crew.
So now the twins were growing up in my legacy that only meant one thing- skilling. Fortunately both Avery and Azalea were pretty darn smart, and so were happy to spend the majority of their time working away.
But I'm not completely cruel- I also made sure the twins had enough time off to play together, often at the family resort.
Although on this occasion the outing was somewhat ruined by death showing up to take Sirius the dog away :(
At least there was some good news at the end of the evening, as Casey discovered she was pregnant.
A few days later and it was time for the new addition to join the household, as Casey went into labour.
But things didn't quite go to plan...
Y'see, you may remember Casey was only a roommate at this point rather than a fully-fledged family member, and it's fair to say this caused some unforeseen problems when it came to her giving birth.
I tried to have Casey give birth at home but it just wasn't happening, so instead I directed Cloud to take her to the hospital, but instead Casey jumped on a jetski and sped away whilst Cloud burst into tears on the beach.
Eventually Casey came back and again I tried to get Cloud to take her to the hospital, this time by boat.
They got as far as reaching land before Casey hopped in a car and once again zoomed off alone, leaving Cloud crying at the side of the road.
I'll be honest, by this point I was dying laughing at the stupid situation. But the never-ending birth had to stop! And so I used cheats to add Casey to the household and Cloud was finally able to take her to the hospital.
After a short while the twosome returned home with a baby girl- Alexis.
Moving right on now to Alexis' birthday. I don't know about you but I'm hoping for red hair...
And there you have it- in one chapter we have seen Cloud get married, become a father, get divorced, start up a new relationship, and have a new baby.
Let's hope things calm down a little for the next chapter eh... But I wouldn't bet on it ;)