Oh my glob, will you just look at this cutie?? Stunning doesn't even begin to cover it.
Yup, Delphi sure is my most favouritist Sim for a long time.
Okay, so she's a little quirky... Most Sims I know wouldn't great their boyfriend at the door completely starkers, but each to their own I guess.
Um, really- doing your homework at a haunted floating table couldn't wait until you'd put some clothes on? Alright then...
In what other legacy can you find a naked Sim running from a ghostly Bonehilda with a bowl of macaroni cheese stuck to their hand?
The Wolf Family Legacy: bringing quality back to the Sims franchise.
Anywho, returning back to one of my more normal Sims- head of the family Trent and his birthday.
He looked oddly calm about becoming an elder, though I suspect that's because his face ended up being frozen for some reason...
The next day it was time for the prom, which Delphi attended accompanied by her boyfriend Kai.
Meanwhile Damon and Casper spent their evening giving the evil eye to a unicorn.
Like I said, quality stuff in this legacy.
I think the only one of my Sims who was living somewhat of a normal life was uncle Rafferty, who had reached the top of the music career and was enjoying rock star status.
Delphi also had artistic pursuits in mind as she continued to build her painting skill.
But painting was only second on the list of Delphi's favourite skills, like many teenagers these days she was very very attached to her phone, and in this case building up her social networking skill through her blog 'Delphi's Selfies'.
The next night it was time for Delphi's birthday, which she celebrated with a small party.
Now this is where things went wrong- for some reason ever since her childhood years Delphi has been unable to transition into the next age stage properly, so in order to get her to age up I have to fudge things in CAS mode somewhat.
And here is the result- Delphi as a young adult.
Yes yes, you're very pretty- it's very exciting I know.
Wave to the fans if you must...
When Delphi was done celebrating her birthday it was time to start thinking about her future, and her future career plans.
As such, it was time to pack a bag...
...And head to university!
Yup, as Delphi was such a free spirit it seemed like university would be the perfect place for her to express her artistic nature.
I also thought it might present a good opportunity for her to work on her socialising skills and make some friends, but I guess Delphi had other ideas...
Still, she found a way to get to know people in the end- by offering to do nude portraits of them.
Yeah it's, erm, lovely...
By this point I think I realised that something had to be done to improve Delphi's chances of making friends, so I had her start to work on her charisma skill.
And it seemed like it did the trick because by the time Delphi was invited to her first keg party she was able to schmooze with the best of them.
Perhaps a little too well... Delphi don't forget you have a boyfriend back home.
And apparently this guy has a girlfriend... Oops.
Yep, great work ingratiating yourself into the university community there Delphi...
Great work indeed...
But at least there were some things at uni that Delphi did excel at, namely causing trouble.
Over her time at university Delphi was responsible for organising numerous protests and rallies, which were attended by many.
And when she wasn't rioting across campus Delphi continued to build her charisma skill...
...With varying levels of success.
Can't win 'em all I guess.
All in all Delphi's time at university passed really quickly, and before long the time came to move on.
Despite her troublemaking Delphi had managed to maintain good grades and actually graduated at the top of her class.
And with that Delphi returned to the family home.
Though she didn't much like what greeted her there...
By this point in the game I had come to a sorry conclusion- Delphi and Ghost Bonehilda were never going to be able to coexist together. Something had to give, and so I decided it was time for Delphi and Snowball the cat to move on.
I don't think they minded too much, given the luxury digs I hooked them up with.
Really the house is much too big for just Delphi and Snowball, but I'm sure the space will come in handy for future generations.
Something I was due to discover sooner than I had originally thought... It seemed Snowball had been spending a lot of time with her fellow feline Fluffy whilst Delphi was away at uni, with kitteny results.
So Delphi's first couple of days living solo went as expected- she basically spent most of her time enjoying life, mainly at the newly restored Funky Town nightclub.
Sure, in an ideal world she would have gotten a job and started earning some money, but I've come to not expect too much of Delphi, so if she wants to spend her time working on her dancing skill that's fine with me.
Hmm, I guess flirting could be considered a skill too...
A couple of days later it was Snowball's big day as she gave birth to two lovely kittens.
I named them after some cats we had in my family growing up- Hunka Munka and Kitzer.
Jeez, calm down Snowball- they're your kitties!
Why do you hate your children??? :(
Whilst Snowball was proving to be the worst cat mother in the world, Delphi was enjoying a life of domestic bliss...
No I'm lying, as you can plainly see Delphi was not happy doing anything domestic, but unfortunately as she couldn't afford a maid there really was no other option.
Eventually Delphi put her degree to good use and got a job as an Art Appraiser, and then promptly went out and spent her first paycheck on a new tattoo.
Yes yes Delphi, we all know you're wonderful...
Anyways, as Delphi had expensive tastes she had a tendency to live outside her means, and consequently we were treated to frequent visits by numerous repomen (and indeed repowomen).
Before long Delphi decided on a solution to her money woes, and it wasn't to start living a frugal life. Nope, she was going to get married.
But just who to marry? Well, after setting herself up on an online dating site Delphi soon had a number of eligible bachelors to choose from.
Now a normal person would just wait to be asked out on a date and take things from there, but not our Delphi. No, she wanted things to move altogether more quickly, and so with a little help from my mods we soon found out where said bachelors lived and Delphi was able to pop by for a casual visit (in her extremely expensive car which was part of the reason for the aforementioned money problems).
Delphi's prey, I mean, prospective date in this instance was a gentleman called Cliff.
I was a little unsure how things would go for Delphi, as she didn't exactly have the best track record when it came to making friends, but fortunately Cliff just loved hearing Delphi talk about herself, so we were off to a good start.
Now as much as it would be the Sim way to just meet and marry someone within a day that's not how I roll, so after a bit of flirty chit chat Delphi left Cliff and returned home.
The next day she was back at her favourite tattoo shop getting inked.
Delphi was pretty pleased with her latest tatt, and was nice enough (for once) to thank the tattoo artist with flowers.
Um, yeah. I guess a massage is another good way to thank someone.
What the fuck Delphi? I don't think showing off your rubber ducky is going to win you any favours in this instance..
Oh jeez, maybe I was wrong... Bloody daft gits.
Uh oh, I know that look.
Yep, she's smitten.
With a kiss still fresh on her lips Delphi decided not to meet up with Cliff that evening after all.
Good choice I think.