Ahhh, look at these little muffins. Ever since first meeting at the local tattoo shop our favourite candy-coloured cutie Delphi and her new boytoy Josh have become pretty much inseparable.
Unfortunately for me though they were living very much the slacker life, though Delphi did occasionally take time to work on her art skills.
It's, erm, great...
Yep, there wasn't much time for work in the Wolf world, just long evenings spent together...
Doing, whatever...
Which was all well and good until the dang repoman rocked up and started taking all of Delphi's belongings.
In an effort to combat the money worries Josh asked to move in with Delphi, and she gratefully accepted.
I can't say that it helped too much with the family funds though- Josh was self-employed as a tattoo artist, so his work schedule was very much sporadic.
But all this free time meant that Josh was able to help out in other ways, namely with cleaning and other chores.
Josh also became the cats' personal groomer, which is a pretty nice chore to have tbh.
Speaking of cats, the next day it was time for the little kitties Hunka Munka and Kitzer to age up, which Josh and Delphi were only too thrilled to celebrate.
Of course the celebrations were dampened somewhat when the bladdy repoman showed up again. Ugh.
Josh did try his best to cheer Delphi up after yet more of her belongings were taken away, but I'm not convinced that it really worked.
Yep, definitely not.
And so it came as no real surprise that, when Delphi received a phone call from an old acquaintance inviting her out, she found herself feeling quite receptive to his proposal.
Delphi hadn't seen Cliff since she started dating Josh and she didn't really know a fat lot about him, other than the fact that he was stinking rich of course.
And that was really all Delphi needed to know in order to enjoy her fancy paid-for meal.
Then again, you know what they say- there's no such thing as a free lunch...
The date continued into the next morning, by which time Delphi was pulling this face. Methinks romancing the elderly takes a certain toll on the old spirit...
But Delphi was at least spirited enough to agree to be Cliff's girlfriend.
Of course when Delphi returned home and told Josh about her day he wasn't exactly happy...
But he loved her, and so he forgave her.
The next few days in the Wolf household were pretty uneventful- Delphi continued to pursue her fauxmance with Cliff, whilst Josh took to the seas in search of his own fortune.
At the weekend Delphi was invited out on yet another fancy date, this time to the local art gallery.
By this point Delphi and Cliff had been dating for a while but things were still very much room temperature on the romance front, with Delphi protesting that she just wasn't 'that type of girl'
*snorts* Yeah right...
Of course Cliff had a solution to this conundrum.
Delphi is pretty much a magpie for shiny things, so she didn't hesitate to say yes to Cliff's proposal.
Or maybe not so aww...
Delphi's random sobbing continued back at the house when she told Josh what had happened, and whilst he might not have been that thrilled about it he did at least support her.
So when the weekend came around it was of course wedding time, a delightful and happy occasion for all concerned.
Okay, maybe not all concerned...
Okay, definitely not all concerned. Apparently we can't just have a nice party without someone dying, in this case Delphi's uncle Rafferty who popped his clogs in the bathroom.
Happy fucking wedding day to us all...
With Rafferty's timely passing over and done with it was finally time to proceed with the wedding.
Alright Josh, I know you're not happy but there's no need to start retching in the corner.
After the ceremony was over and done with Delphi, her new husband, and her secret boyfriend returned home, and Josh then spent the rest of the evening literally trying to block out everything that was going on upstairs with the aid of a virtual reality headset.
Yep, nothing here that you wanna see Josh...
Um, I don't think there's anything for you to see either Snowball...
The next morning Delphi and Cliff settled into married life, and Josh settled into a life of pretending to be nothing more than just Delphi's live-in housekeeper.
But I think this picture perfectly sums up what things were like for 'the happy couple' from this point on. At this particular moment in time Cliff was actually using the 'Share Secret' interaction, and the speech bubble that popped up said "I'm so happy we get to spend the rest of our lives together". Then Delphi pulled this face and I just died... :(
Arghhh I feel like a bastard for letting this all happen, but my main aim when gaming has always been to satisfy my Sims wants, and Delphi's wants mainly consisted of two things- money, and Josh.
Delphi had the money now that Cliff had moved in, and she was managing to keep Josh on side too.
Every time, pretty much as soon as Cliff went out to work, Delphi and Josh were all over each other like a rash, with no help from me might I add.
But that's not to say everything was perfect- sometimes Josh would see Delphi and Cliff together and get upset, and she'd have to do some damage control to smooth over the situation.
Not that Josh ever really had much to worry about in that area, Delphi and Cliff weren't exactly amorous these days, despite Cliff's best attempts.
I guess it was clear what her heart really desired.
Oh Delphi, you little troublemaker you...
And it seemed things were about to get a little more troublesome, what with a baby on the way and all.
Josh actually has the Nurturing trait, so he was beyond excited when Delphi told him the news.
I'm not sure he'll be so happy though if the baby comes out sporting brown hair and a pair of fashionable old man slacks...