Is there a day more joyous in a person's life than when they learn they are going to be a parent? Of course, in the world of Sims (and my game in particular) things are never quite that simple...
Y'see, although Delphi here is indeed about to become a momma, the question of who the daddy is remains to be seen. In the running we have her husband Cliff...
...And her lover Josh.
I know who I'm rooting for...
Before long it was time for Delphi to give birth, which began with Josh by her side as always.
Sparkly time began as Josh watched pensively.
And it resulted in a, erm, confused looking baby girl called Tempest.
After the birth Cliff wasted no time in bonding with Tempest.
Meanwhile Delphi and Josh resumed their usual shenanigans...
Perhaps they should have checked their surroundings first though... Methinks I spy a secret peeper through the window.
Oh dear.
I guess it had to happen sooner or later- secrets don't stay hidden for long. Perhaps my favourite part of the whole fallout though was just how incredibly insulted Delphi looked when Cliff accused her of cheating.
She wasn't about to take any attacks on her character lying down, and so Delphi and Cliff's argument soon turned into a full blown fistfight.
Yeah yeah that's fine Josh, nevermind the smackdown in the other room, you carry on playing with the baby...
Both Delphi and Cliff survived the fight, and the next day it was time for Delphi to celebrate her birthday. Unfortunately the aging process for Delphi remained somewhat of a glitched affair, so I had to age her manually in CAS mode.
Fortunately there was no such trouble for Tempest.
So, anyone else curious to see what she looks like?
Here she is then. Now here's the thing- I know who her Dad is, but instead of telling you I'm going to let you watch her age up and see if you can figure it out. Answers on a postcard!
One person who wasn't going to be able to watch Tempest age though was Cliff- unfortunately his time on this earth was up.
He accepted it rather gracefully though.
Now I know normally death is a sad thing, but in this case I'm kind of taking it as a win. With Cliff out of the way there was nothing to stop Delphi and Josh being together, plus they now had enough money to set them up for life.
Okay so yeah, Delphi's a bit of a villain to be honest, and I suppose I should be hoping she gets her comeuppance for manipulating Cliff and Josh the way she did...
...But how could I wish ill on this happy little threesome? Look how cute!
And anyways, despite Delphi's selfish ways when it came to being a mother she was actually pretty good at it, in her own special way of course.
And Josh was just super dad from the start.
The next day it was time for Josh to age into an adult, which unfortunately happened in the middle of nowhere.
Meanwhile back at home there were further family developments, as Delphi discovered she was pregnant once again.
Josh was thrilled when he heard the news.
But of course we can't just have nice things happen all the time in this legacy, so when Death popped up the next day I wasn't surprised.
Bye Snowball kitty :(
Losing the eldest cat in the Wolf family was hard for the household, so I got them another little pet to keep them happy- Iggy the iguana.
Birthday time once again. Shall we see if Tempest being a child gives us any more clues to her parentage eh?
Hmm, maybe not so much.
Later that same night it was time for another Wolf to be added to the family.
And it's another girl- this is Cascade.
Moving on right away now to Cascade's birthday, and her transition into a toddler.
Aww, doesn't she look sweet?
Oh, maybe not... Turns out Cascade is a bit of a stroppy mare.
Fortunately though Cascade's temper tantrums were intermittent, and the rest of the time she was a happy little muffin- particularly when spending time with her dad Josh.
Now you may be thinking what is Tempest up to during this time? Well, Tempest is actually a bit of a loner, so whilst Delphi and Josh were busy with Cascade, Tempest preferred to spend her time pursuing activities like painting.
And she also spent a lot of time out of the house snorkeling.
But although she preferred being alone she did manage to invest some time into bonding with her little sister.
It's probably a good thing the family members are all bonding with each other, as there was due to be another member.
A couple of days later there were further household developments as the cats Hunka Munka and Kitzer aged up into elders.
Meanwhile Delphi went into labour.
And she gave birth to a baby boy named Cloud.
So things are about to get awfully sparkly now as we first witness Cascade age up.
Followed by Tempest.
And finally Cloud.
So with a new toddler in the house proud parents Delphi and Josh of course began to work on helping Cloud develop his life skills.
Fortunately this all went very smoothly as Cloud was the happiest toddler I've had in a long long time.
All this family harmony meant the whole Wolf clan were able to spend a lot of time together, such as on this trip to the boardwalk.
With kids of all ages in the family the younger Wolfs were generally able to look after themselves.
Which is just as well, given that Delphi and Josh had a tendency to sneak off together for some alone time...
See- kids happy, playing together.
Meanwhile, 'alone time'...
Soon enough it was time for Cloud's birthday, and doesn't he just look excited about it? Bless.
You know it's early days so far, but I get the feeling that Cloud is going to grow up to be the spitting image of his dad.
Anywho, with Cloud now a child the family days out continued as usual.
And the youngest member of the Wolf family was particularly pleased with these adventures as it gave him the chance to enjoy activities such as windsurfing.
Although on this occasion Cloud got maybe a little too carried away as he ended up windsurfing away to the middle of nowhere.
When Cloud did manage to find his way back home he was greeted by a new family pet, after Iggy the iguana's untimely passing earlier that day. Hopefully Gerald the gecko will fare a bit better...
A few days later it was an important day for Delphi- her birthday. Yep, after a long and glamourous life it was time for our favourite beauty to wither and age as she became an elder.
As you can imagine I wasn't too thrilled by the prospect...
And that's why I decided to take drastic action and purchase a certain reward with Delphi's lifetime happiness points...
Okay, so I know it's against the natural order and I'm supposed to let my Sims grow old and move on to the next generation, but I don't wanna.
And so, one quick potion later and Delphi's age was permanently frozen. No aging up, ever. Hurrah!
Of course Josh came too, Delphi wouldn't have it any other way.
Oh what the hell, the duck again? Well, I guess it's one way to celebrate eternal life. Congrats guys!