Hello my friends, how'd you like our new legacy house? Yep, last chapter saw Cloud move out of the family home, and as he was an outdoorsy type of guy it seemed like the perfect home for him was a beach-front property like this.
Okay, so it's not going to be much fun in winter, but in summertime I'm sure it'll be lovely.
Um, what the hell Cloud? I know it's cold, but I don't see how warming your derriere in your undercrackers is going to help...
I was a bit worried about Cloud being all alone in that house, and not just because I feared him setting fire to his own arse... Therefore I decided to get him a little pet for company.
So meet Milo the dog. Isn't he cute??
Anywho, now that Cloud was a grown up living all on his own he needed to get a job to support himself. He never would have been content with just a desk job, so being a lifeguard seemed like the perfect profession.
Milo came along to save some lives too.
So on Cloud's first day on the job guess who happened to show up and attempt to drown herself? Yep, it's my Simself.
I see you SimFury, I see what you're doing. Desperate bitch...
But my Simself wasn't the only one prone to acts of desperation in order to get closer to Cloud, this gal here even went to the trouble of fainting.
I personally found it hard to believe that she was really in danger, after all who goes swimming in their ugg boots?
The next day Cloud's fainting fan showed up on his doorstep and, after a quick makeover by yours truly, I felt that Cloud's new stalker was finally worthy of his attention.
Cloud hit her with his charm, and she was powerless to resist.
Still couldn't get rid of the ugg boots though...
The next day Cloud was back at the beach rescuing yet more fair ladies.
The gentlemen though weren't quite so fair... Apparently this balding beachgoer wasn't best pleased with Cloud's slow-paced lifesaving and felt like giving him a slap around the chops.
And he wasn't the only one getting slap-happy.
Cloud got over it though.
My god Cloud what are you doing, put your tummy away...
This was his reaction when Cloud arrived home from work. Best dog ever!
I'm normally used to pets in this legacy being somewhat of a nuisance, but for once we seem to be onto a good one. Good boy Milo!
Oops, spoke too soon.
Cloud wasn't one to let a smelly dog get in the way of his romantic pursuits though, and soon enough he got full use out of that bed.
Many times, and with many people. Everyone loves a lifeguard ;)
But not everyone Cloud rescued was a slave to his charms, thank god. Yep, with several Wolf family members living in the neighbourhood it was only a matter of time before he ended up needing to save one of his relatives.
More than one, in fact.
Now even though being a lifeguard was a lot of fun it was still a job for Cloud, and as such I made sure he also had a lot of time to unwind and relax as well. Local club Funky Town provided Cloud with numerous opportunities to do just that.
Dancing was only Cloud's second most favourite form of cardio, and it wasn't long before he found himself in the hot tub at the back of the club attempting to cosy up to yet another attractive young lady.
Um, smooth...
Yep, for once Cloud's usually suave seduction was ineffective, and he actually made a bit of a tit of himself.
Poor Cloud...
Undeterred, when the weekend arrived Cloud threw a party and used the occasion to spend some more time with his new romantic interest Faith.
It went a bit better than last time, in spite of Delphi and Josh's attempts to upstage their own son... Jeez guys, can you not just be supportive for once?
Um, not what I had in mind Delphi...
Just when I thought his parents couldn't get anymore obnoxious Delphi and Josh then retired to Cloud's bedroom for the rest of the evening. Let's not tell Cloud yeah...
Meanwhile, back outside Cloud's romantic pursuit of Faith had taken a turn for the worse as she came over all cold and distant.
And then if that wasn't bad enough the cops showed up to break up the party.
And when everyone had been sent home one of the cheeky bastards decided to hang out and help himself to the keg!
A few days later we tried again with Faith as Cloud arranged to meet her for a date at the Wolf Wanderlust Resort. Of course I was a little concerned when Cloud decided to start playing with his cuddly yeti whilst waiting for her...
Fortunately I managed to get Cloud's childish impulses under control by the time Faith arrived, and the two began to enjoy their date.
Um, until Cloud made a prat of himself once again...
As the evening drew in Cloud and Faith found themselves back in the hot tub once more, and it looked like things might be going a bit better than they did previously.
So as we were well into spring now it seemed only appropriate to throw another house party to enjoy the warmer weather.
By this point Cloud and Faith were boyfriend and girlfriend, and their relationship was progressing nicely.
But unfortunately once again the party was ruined by the bladdy cops showing up to shut things down.
And then things took a turn for the weird as two of Cloud's relatives- his brother-in-law Ray and his great-great-great-great-grandmother Lylah- randomly turned into zombies.
Oh dear... Still looking good though Lylah.
Anywho, after the darn police had driven away all of the party guests Cloud felt the need to let out some of his frustration, particularly as once again the cop ended up staying to enjoy the party himself.
Cloud kicked him out of the house eventually, though the cop only went as far as the swimming pool... for a spot of skinny dipping.
Meanwhile Cloud had invited Faith back over to the house so they could continue with their evening together.
And, by the end of the night, Cloud had asked Faith to move in with him.
So the next morning I decided it was probably time we got to know Cloud's new girlfriend a bit better.
Unfortunately though I got distracted by Faith's dog... Yep, Sirius the dog also moved in, and Milo for one was thrilled to have a new buddy to play with.
But back to Faith herself. Well, her main want was to have a five-star resort, so we promptly bought the plot of land next to the legacy house. Unfortunately we didn't have enough in the family funds to actually start building anything straight away, so I got Faith a job in the business career so we could earn some money in the meantime.
Meanwhile Cloud was still working on progressing in the lifeguard career, and on this occasion he had the very important task of saving Death himself.
I did consider maybe letting him drown... But I saw what happens when Death's not around to take souls in my previous legacy, and it's not good.
Elsewhere Faith was taking a break from work as she attempted to build up her fishing skill, though she didn't seem best pleased by her catch of the day...
So before long it was autumn, and time for Spooky Day and a party of course.
The event gave Faith an opportunity to meet Cloud's mother for the first time, and I'm not sure Delphi was exactly keen on Faith.
During the evening there was also a birthday celebration, as Milo the dog became an elder.
The next morning there was a family reunion of sorts as Cloud spent time with his sisters Tempest and Cascade on the beach, although Cascade spent most of the time yelling at Cloud for not saving her from drowning earlier. Oopsy...
Meanwhile, Faith's relationships were faring a bit better as she managed to charm her boss for a promotion.
By now Faith's career was progressing nicely and she and Cloud had built up a fair bit of money. Therefore, they were able to start work on their new resort, and so Cloud Nine was opened.
Cloud was overjoyed that Faith decided to name their new resort after him, and he knew just how to show his appreciation...
Oh for God's sake Cloud...
Aw how cute is he??
It's no surprise that Faith accepted his proposal really. Who could resist that face?
Oh come on Delphi, Cloud getting engaged is not that scary...
Hmm, let's hope Delphi has calmed down a little by the time the wedding happens...