What's that I hear? It must be the sound of jaws dropping at my beautiful beach house...
Julian Wolf has saved up a fair bit of money during his Science career (and scuba diving on the side) so much so that I was able to do a remodel of the house to add an attic and such.
And what do we need an attic for?
Why, to keep carnivorous plants in of course!
As a Scientist Julian was fascinated by all things freakish, so it made sense that Triple Cream would be the perfect pet.
But that's not to say that Triple Cream was the highest object of Julian's affections. No, that honour went to Kendra.
Julian and Kendra had been dating for a little while now, unfortunately mostly through love letters as (being a mermaid) apparently Kendra didn't have a phone, and she only responded to Julian summoning her with a shell very occasionally. Tricky mermaids...
It was getting a bit tiresome with Julian not being able to see Kendra all that often, so when we did finally get her on dry land once again I decided we had better make it count.
Julian, stop getting distracted by the stars...
So anyways, during their date Julian decided to ask Kendra to be his girlfriend.
She said yes- hurrah! Also he took this opportunity to ask her to be his roommate. It meant that I didn't have Kendra under active control, but at least she would be at the house most of the time.
Speaking of home... Maybe I should have spent a bit more time there as, whilst I was looking after Julian and Kendra on their date, back at the house Bonehilda and Triple Cream were getting a little too friendly...
Oh dear.
But it's okay, apparently Bonehilda isn't too tasty so she was spared this time.
With Bonehilda safe I turned my attention back to Julian and Kendra once again, who were starting to get close in the bedroom...
Er, Julian, you're supposed to be seducing Kendra not the readers.
That's better.
I must say though, Julian must be well good in the sack given that Kendra fainted immediately after.
Over the next couple of days things in the Wolf household continued as normal. Julian was progressing nicely in the Scientist career, and was also building up his gardening skills on the side.
Bonehilda and Triple Cream continued to flirt of course...
And Kendra continued her fainting spells. Eventually I figured it was probably due to Bonehilda- I'm thinking Kendra might have the coward trait or similar? But I'm not sure yet.
Before long it was time for a family reunion of sorts as Julian invited Lylah and Zingbot over to the house to meet his new girlfriend.
And of course Kendra fainted... This was when I realised what was going on- as Kendra was a mermaid she needed to be topped up with water regularly otherwise she would dehydrate. They live on an island so it's not like water is ever far away, but there were a few fireplaces in the house- in Julian's bedroom in particular- and this didn't have the best effect on Kendra's delicate mermaid skin.
It's alright though, Julian soon sorted her out with a nice bucket of water.
The twosome were then overcome with such lust that they just had to slope off to the bedroom, even though they were supposed to be entertaining Julian's parents.
Well, could you resist this face?
Eventually I managed to pry Julian from in between Kendra's legs, and the whole group headed outside to enjoy the summer sun.
But then fucking Death just had to go and ruin it all by popping along to take Bowser away. The git.
Byeeeeee Bowser :(
Following Bowser's death the members of the Wolf household were suitably upset. Kendra showed her sensitive side by standing by Bowser's grave and mourning him.
Meanwhile Julian turned invisible and rolled a plate of goopy carbonara across the floor.
Yes really, this actually happened. Julian completely disappeared and the only way I could keep track of him was watching the plate of food move around.
When the plate was put in the dishwasher it seemed like all was lost and I would never see Julian again.
But it's alright, he reappeared eventually.
Although Julian and Kendra were sad about Bowser's death, life went on as usual. Julian continued to work on all things sciencey.
Meanwhile Kendra continued to crisp up like a piece of bacon as fucking insensitive Bonehilda kept whacking up the heating all the time. Grr...
Bonehilda did at least have the courtesy to cool Kendra down afterwards though.
Elsewhere- in the attic- Julian's gardening skill was coming on nicely, and he was able to grow a particularly interesting plant... More on that later.
But all this time spent upstairs wasn't without its dangers...
I thought Julian was more sensible than this, but I guess Triple Cream's cakey goodness was just too appealing.
Triple Cream gobbled up Julian like the greedy little heifer that she was, and I held my breath and waited for the outcome.
Fortunately Julian was returned to us in one piece, more or less.
Yeah, I hope that's lesson learned for ya.
By this point I was getting a little bit antsy about Triple Cream, particularly in relation to Kendra. I had enough trouble keeping the Sims I could control aware from the big mooer, so it made me nervous thinking that if Kendra took an interest in the cowplant I wouldn't be able to try and cancel her actions.
Fortunately I had a solution in mind that Julian was more than happy with. He asked Kendra to move in with him.
However the next morning I soon found myself regretting my decision as it seemed that Julian and Kendra were just a little too comfortable with each other...
You scare me Julian...
So with Kendra firmly under my control I soon began learning what she was all about. She didn't have a job, but like Julian she had the 'Loves the Outdoors' trait so I soon got her to work building up skills like fishing and gardening.
The next day it was Julian's birthday, and time for him to grow up into an Adult.
Hurray, and all that.
Following his transition Julian was feeling all grown up and serious-like, and consequently he decided to ask Kendra a very important question.
Of course she said yes. Of course! Who could say no to the lovely Julian.
When the weekend rolled around it was wedding time. The event was held on one of Julian's private islands, which was suitably done up for the occasion.
And doesn't this look like the shittest wedding turn out ever... Lylah and Zingbot were invited, but apparently they were more interested in nomming on hot dogs and each other than watching Julian and Kendra get married.
Still, as long as Julian and Kendra are happy I'm happy.
With Mr and Mrs Wolf suitably wed it was time to cut the cake and party the night away.
As the evening drew in the guests left one by one until Julian and Kendra were alone.
They made full use of the privacy...
In the morning Julian awoke to find there was one guest who hadn't actually gone home. Zingbot had conked out on the deck of the beach hut, so Julian very nicely decided to repair him.
Repairing Simbots makes me verrrrrry nervous, particularly given certain incidents that happened in my last legacy, so when Julian got his first shock I was pretty alarmed.
Fortunately though it all turned out well- Zingbot was repaired and Julian survived the process.
It was just as well, as Kendra had some news that I'm sure Julian will be keen to hear...