Sunday, 7 December 2014

Chapter 4: Is It A Bird, Is It A Plane?

Oh shit balls wank motherfucking bastard. Last time around saw a very upsetting development in my legacy as Generation 2's heir Julian died in a horrific meteor shower. This leaves me in a bit of a tricky situation as I'd like to continue the legacy, but I have no immediately available way of doing so. My founder Lylah is currently dating a Simbot who can't really procreate without mods, but more to the point I wouldn't really want him to given the amount of problems Simbot babies caused me in my last legacy.

Anywho, with no perfect solution immediately presenting itself I decided to intervene in the only way I know how...

It's time to call in the big guns.

Okay, so technically it's against the legacy rules, but since when have I ever followed them anyway? This is a DowhatthefudgeIwantacy, after all. And besides, I don't think Julian is too popular as a ghost...

I couldn't continue with an undead Julian on my hands, so in the end I had to send Super FuryRed in to sort things out. She helped me out a few times in my last legacy, being that she is a ghost expert and all.

In no time flat she had whipped up a lovely batch of Ambrosia, which Julian dutifully sat down to eat.

Apparently Lylah and Zingbot were more interested in the inside of each other's mouths at this point...

Still, lets leave the lustbots for a moment as we watch the glorious restoration of King Julian.

HUZZAH and all that.

Once he was back in living colour I sent Julian outside to collect what was left of the meteor that had squished him into oblivion. The pieces bought in a pretty penny- dollar dollar bill y'all.

Elsewhere in the yard Zingbot was having a malfunction for unknown reasons (possibly due to yet another rambunctious romp in the sack with Lylah I bet). I sent Lylah to fix him up, but then sadly she went and got herself electrocuted.

The excitement was too much for ZIngbot, and his ass promptly set on fire.

The following day in the Wolf household Julian brought a friend home with him after school. I believe her name was Lyndsey.

Julian was pretty interested in Lyndsey from the start, but sadly it turned out she was already involved with his best friend Cal. 

Aww, better luck next time champ.

Following his rejection Julian decided he would be better off focusing on science rather than girls.

Before long it was time for Julian's birthday, so a small party was thrown in his honour.

My Simself was invited to the joyous occasion, and bloody hell how creepy is she right now... I can't trust SimFury anywhere.

Oh my, Julian has grown into a fine young man.

Following his transition I sent Julian out in the world to explore a bit. He got himself a job as a Scientist and quickly took to sailing about the place in his very own boat.

During his travels he discovered a small island, and he liked it so much that he decided it would soon become his new home.

Yep, as much as we like the family home, with Lylah and Zingbot due to live for a very long time I felt we couldn't really have Julian stay there, after all he would need room for any future kiddies...

And so it was time for Julian to say goodbye to his mother Lylah and his pseudo-Stepdad Zingbot and move out on his own (well, with Bowser for company).

Bye guys! Don't worry, we will keep in touch.

With a modest amount of money in the family funds I was able to build Julian a nice little home on his own private island. However, in my customary style I didn't budget very well, and as such many of the rooms are currently unfurnished. Oops.

Now that Julian was living on his own being able to support himself was more important than ever. His job as a Scientist brought in a reasonable income, and in his spare time he often went out scuba diving to look for trinkets.

Over time he improved his scuba diving skill by several levels, and uncovered numerous amounts of treasure.

Although not all his underwater endeavors met with such success... It's okay Julian, I'm sure most people have urinated in the ocean at one time or another in their lives.

Elsewhere on dry land Bowser was also doing her bit to add to the family funds. When she joined the Wolf household I immediately had Julian teach her the basics of the hunting skill, and now she was able to spend most days wandering around the island sniffing out collectables. 

I felt bad for the poor gal though- living on a private island has its drawbacks, such as having no other animals nearby to socialise with. I soon decided that we needed to do something to make sure Bowser wasn't lonely.

Folks, meet Foxxy.

Foxxy's a cute little muffin I downloaded from Mod the Sims. She has the Hunter trait, so like Bowser I soon put her to work, though in this case she would seek out critters rather than collectables.

So whilst the pets were happy at home Julian was able to spend even more time out and about in the world having numerous adventures. He heard about a particularly exciting opportunity from the clerk at a local resort, and so set out to uncover what mysteries he could.

His venture took him to many places and involved a number of exciting exploits, such as firewalking...

...and sharkfighting. Yes, that is what's going on here, despite the blurriness.

And the reward for this opportunity? Why this lovely tropical island of course! Nifty.

The next day, on yet another underwater adventure, Julian discovered something else very intriguing in the form of a real life mermaid.

Julian tried his best to communicate with her but apparently it's not so easy when you can only speak in bubbles.

When he was back on dry land Julian attempted to communicate with the mermaid- Kendra Kraft- in an altogether different way. He decided to send her a love letter.

He got one back, which was sweet, however it turned out to be really difficult to get things to progress much further than that. Julian tried to invite Kendra onto dry land to visit him several times, but for some reason she never showed up...

In the end he had to return to the sea in the hopes of seeing her again, but unfortunately Kendra remained elusive.

Once again Julian returned to his science machine when all attempts at romance failed him.

Birthday interlude! It's Bowser's birthday, boo/yey. I should probably also use this moment to tell you that the Wolf family's other doggy- Anubis- has sadly died. He lived a bloody long time though for a dog.

Anyways, another day in the Wolf household and what is this I see before me? Yes, after much much much much much effort we have finally been able to get Kendra to come round for a visit.

Even though Julian had been pining after Kendra for a long time (seriously, I've seen his Wants) when she finally came to the house Julian decided to play it cool to begin with.

Well, for a little bit anyway. I guess Julian just couldn't help himself, and soon began to get his flirt on.

Hmm, you might need to work on your technique there Julian, I don't think doing scientific experiments on Kendra is going to win her over.

Poor confused little ginge...

Following their initial rendezvous it wasn't until Spring when Julian saw Kendra again. After bumping into her on at a local diving spot he invited her to the beach so they could talk properly.

The twosome had a pleasant day together frolicking in the ocean.

And they also indulged in a nice water balloon fight.

Well, I say 'nice' but I think Julian was maybe a teeny bit competitive given the way he fucking whaled on her.

It's alright though, she survived, and Julian knew just how to make it up to her...

Yey :)

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