Chapter 13: Blood is Thicker Than Water
Guten tag all, and welcome back to The Wolf Family Legacy and Prommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Yes, it's Prom Night for Bryony and Aafia. Well, it's actually Aafia's second Prom given she went to her first one last generation and then died of dehydration and has only just been resurrected and consequently is now the same age as her niece.
And people say my legacy is hard to follow...
So anywho, as mentioned Aafia is actually Bryony's aunt, but the weird family dynamic in no way affects the friendship of the duo. Given they were now the same age Bryony and Aafia spent a lot of time together throughout their teenage years, and in time had become friends.
Well, I'd say more like fond acquaintances actually- Bryony wasn't always able to dedicate as much time as needed to Aafia given she was often more interested in smooching with her boyfriend Adam.
Now whenever my Sims get to their teenage years I always like to make sure they have enough room to hang out away from the grownups. Such space was sadly lacking in the new legacy house, so I just had to build a special room in the basement complete with bar and dancefloor.
This room came in extremely useful when it came to Bryony and Aafia's joint birthday party, and the party guests soon flocked to the hottest joint in town to celebrate.
So it was time for the girls to age up, and Aafia was first.
Followed by Bryony.
And here's the lovely twosome as Young Adults.
So now the girls were (somewhat) grown up of course we had to sort them out with their careers and whatnot. Aafia was a Virtuoso and soon put her musical skills to good work as she got a job in the Music career.
Meanwhile, Bryony was an Equestrian and chose to register herself as a self-employed 'Horsewoman'.
Because I'm so nice I renovated the grounds around the legacy house so Bryony had her own little farm, complete with cows and chickens!
Bryony was an outdoorsy girl so she basically spent most of her time outside either with her animals or in her garden, and she couldn't have been happier.
When the weekend came around it was time for a very special occasion- Ivy and Ruby's wedding. As you can see it didn't get off to the best start, what with Max freaking out everytime he saw a Simbot or ghost Bonehilda, as well as the majority of the guests refusing to use the seating I had thoughtfully provided.
In the end the only one who actually sat down and behaved was Namibia.
But despite the chaos the actual getting-married part went ahead without a hitch.
Congrats Ivy and Ruby Wolf!
So immediately after the wedding there was unfortunately a sad decision to be made. Y'see, I love Ivy- she's one of my favourite Simmies so far- but she actually has the Dislikes Children trait and therefore will never be able to be heir and bring in the next generation.
So, sadly, it was time for Ivy and Ruby to move out and enjoy the rest of their lives in wedded bliss, taking Toffee the cat with them for company.
The following day it was birthday time for Aarin, and doesn't she look hugely unimpressed with the prospect of becoming an elder?
Sorry love, but aging comes to us all.
Because you know what- it's the CIRCLEEEEEEEEEE OF LIFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. As shown by the little chicks that hatched the day after Aarin became an elder.
So when she wasn't cuddling the chicks to death Bryony spend the majority of her time riding her horse Mocha as she trained her up for future racing success.
Once Mocha was suitably skilled Bryony began to enter her in some competitions, and managed to bring in a fair bit of income by winning trophies.
Meanwhile, Aafia was more interested in, well, herself.
Snobs- you've gotta love 'em.
She was progressing well enough in the Music career, and in her free time enjoyed exploring the ocean and searching for treasure in particular.
Back on dry land Bryony and Adam were remaining close as usual, so much so that Bryony felt compelled to ask him to move in.
He accepted, but then all of a sudden came over all hungry...
Bryony I hope you enjoy being nommed on, as now you're living with a vampire I'm sure it'll happen a lot.
Still, there are some perks I guess- vampires have got to be pretty superhuman in the sack right?
So now we had Adam living in the Wolf household I felt it was time for me to figure out what he was all about.
Apparently he's a couch potato, so really he just spent a lot of his time lounging about the place. Thrilling.
So with Adam happy amusing himself indoors, Bryony continued to spend the majority of her time living the farmer life.
Of course with Bryony so busy all the time it meant that Adam had to find other people to munch on when his hunger kicked in.
Gee, I wonder why Aafia was so willing to give Adam whatever he wanted...
When the weekend rolled around it was time for a party, for what occasion I really can't recall.
During the gathering Bryony got to spend some time her with father Troy, and I found out that he had a baby on the way after knocking up my Simself. Oops...
Whilst Bryony was dealing with that bombshell, elsewhere Aafia was enjoying a nice make out session with one of her coworkers, as you do.
Being a mermaid she couldn't resist inviting Benny into the hottub with her.
Inevitably things got a little bit hot and heavy...
A brief break from legacy life now as I show off my 'impressive' gnome collection.
I've made it a sort of unofficial mission of mine to collect every single gnome throughout the course of the legacy, and as you can see we're on generation four and I think we're doing pretty darn well.
Andddddd now back into the thick of it as we watch Aafia fishing, and looking rather unimpressed about it. Come on girl- if you want to eat you need to fish, you can't spend all of your time posing in front of the mirror yanno.
Elsewhere in legacy land, Bryony was spending her time arguing with one of her chickens... Yes, really.
I felt that maybe Bryony was spending a tad too much time with her animals, so I sent her and Adam off to the Autumn festival (or 'Fall', as the Americans call it).
As you can see Bryony was veryyyyy excited about it all.
Jeez guys, calm your tits.
Bryony and Adam soon threw themselves into all the activities the festival had to offer, such as the haunted house.
And apple bobbing.
They were having such a lovely time right up to the moment when I noticed some smoke rising off of Adam... That was when I remembered he was a vampire and thus spending all day in the sunshine was probably not the best idea.
Later that night Bryony threw a costume party, and Adam tried his best to be intimidating whilst wearing a hotdog costume...
It amuses me that Bryony's reaction is to just laugh in his face.
Over the next few days things progressed as usual in the Wolf household as Aafia also took up the gardening skill and began to help Bryony in the greenhouse.
Later Bryony experienced a bit of bad luck as she got attacked by bees...
And also got struck my lightning, poor girl.
But there was some good luck too, as whilst she was out one night she came across a very special creature- a unicorn.
Whilst Bryony worked on befriending the mythical creature, back at home Adam and Aafia were bonding over their shared musical interests.
Adam was also continuing to have an interest in Aafia's arteries...
But he was more than happy to pay Aafia for her blood in the form of a nice massage.
Perhaps things went a little too far though when Adam and Aafia decided to relax in the spa afterwards.
Erm, Kendra? You might want to vacate the area...
Things are about to get steamy.
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