You know one of my favourite things about The Sims is how expressive the characters can be. Take this picture for instance- in it Rafferty is cheating on his girlfriend, and I find I can't take my eyes off Floyd the dog who is giving Dani some serious side eye. It's beautiful, it really is.
Actually it's not beautiful, it's very very bad. Bad Rafferty!
Yeah, you tell him girl.
Now if you're thinking Rafferty felt any remorse after he was caught cheating you would be sadly mistaken. He moved on hella quick to charming the next available lady.
And the one after that.
But a couple of days later and Raff's Wants let me know he was missing Dani, so he invited round his newly grown-up girlfriend to try and kiss and make up.
It worked, because Rafferty is a smooth ginger bastard.
But although Dani was quick to forgive her skeazy boyfriend I don't think everyone was so forgiving, as Celeste soon let Raff know what she thought of him. I don't actually know why she was so outraged as she's not friends with Dani, I think she just likes to yell at people.
Elsewhere in the household our other ginger was being much more well behaved, thank gawd. Big Ginge celebrated a birthday and became an elder.
The next day we continued the evergoing saga of Rafferty's randiness as he received a rather interesting phone call...
Yep, a 'new baby' moodlet had popped up in Raff's panel, so I of course sent him round to meet his new child.
Fortunately it was his girlfriend Dani who had been knocked up, and not one of the other random girls Rafferty's been banging. She had given birth to a baby girl called Shara.
I wish I could say Rafferty immediately threw himself into caring for his little girl, but nope...
Leaving aside Rafferty's antics for a bit and we move on now to Trent's bachelor party.
That's better, let's give Trent the send off into marriage that he deserves yes.
Um, hold up- what's this? Oh, of fucking course- it's a party so of course someone has to die. For fucks sake...
Yep, sadly the party was somewhat ruined at this point by Jinxy the dog dying :(
So after the somewhat depressing bachelor party, the next morning Trent awoke ready to get married to his beloved Celeste.
By this point it was summertime in my game, and Trent's property- the Wolf Wanderlust Resort- had been upgraded with new VIP cabins and other amenities.
It was the perfect setting for a wedding, so with the guests invited and furniture suitably arranged it was time to get the celebrations started.
Trent and Rafferty were first to arrive, with Bonehilda tagging along, and they all waited patiently on the beach for the bride.
Celeste annoyingly defaulted to arriving by sail boat, which took fucking forever.
I was *patiently* stalking her as she made her way to the resort when I noticed something untoward in the water...
Um, what?
I guess I should have known- I've said before we can't have a party without someone dying, I just didn't think it would be the bride in this instance.
Sadly all the begging in the world couldn't save Celeste, and with one swipe of the Grim Reaper's scythe and she was gone.
It was supposed to be a perfect day, Trent was supposed to spend his night cuddled up with his new wife, but instead he spent it alone staring out into the sea.
And unfortunately the next few days weren't much better- Trent was heartbroken over Celeste's death, and so spent his time just wailing and moping around the house.
Rafferty meanwhile was spending a lot of his time over at girlfriend Dani's house bonding with his daughter Shara. Not inside the house though... On this occasion Dani and Rafferty were mid-fight and consequently she wouldn't let him inside, so Raff spent the evening out on the front porch with Shara.
Of course it didn't help that when Rafferty did manage to spend some time with Dani by visiting her at work at the local fire station my fucking Simself showed up and flirting ensued.
The arguments continued for days after that, with Dani regularly refusing to let Rafferty into the house to see his daughter.
At one point a newly-pregnant Dani had enough and broke up with Rafferty, which as you can see his was not too bothered about.
He managed to talk her round though.
You smug git...
Elsewhere, back at the house, things for Trent weren't getting any better as he also lost Lloyd the dog to Death.
Death even had the cheek to use our amenities afterwards as well.
By this point I was feeling pretty sorry for Trent, and so I decided to send him out to a local club in order to- hopefully- get back on the dating scene.
He had a reasonably fun time that night, though sadly didn't meet any eligible women, only zombies.
When the weekend rolled around Trent was invited to hang out at the resort with Rafferty and his ever-expanding family, which was nice and helped to take his mind off things a bit.
Of course the fun had to come to a stop at one point as Dani promptly went into labour.
Not that Rafferty noticed of course...
I wish I could say that Rafferty was there at the hospital to support Dani during the birth, but sadly not. He did however pop round to Dani's house the next morning to see his new son Kristoff.
Dani wasn't exactly pleased to see him though...
Someone else not exactly loving life was Trent. I'd once again sent him out in the world to try and meet some ladies and this was his demeanor. It's not good.
There was some good news though- Wolf Wanderlust Resort has recently achieved five star status, and as such Trent was rewarded with a private island. Hurray.
And there was better news the next day when Trent met an actual female as he was leaving school for the day.
I'm not sure what this expression means though... But it looks promising.
After talking to the young lady for a while Trent eventually plucked up the courage to ask Tifa to come over to the resort for the day so they could get to know each other a bit better.
Trent was pretty ecstatic to see Tifa, and wasn't shy about letting her know.
But the romance was dulled somewhat by the strange boy staring at the couple... Turns out it's Tifa's son, Casper. I guess this explains what Tifa was doing at the school where Trent had first met her.
What isn't explained is how come Casper's father is the Grim Reaper...(?)
Okay, so it wasn't what Trent was expecting for a first date, but despite the initial surprise Trent, Tifa, and Casper had a great day in the end.
For the first time in forever it seemed like Trent's life may actually be working out.
Great job as always, Fury!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't stop laughing at Celeste's death.. whaddaya know! Here comes a fucking kraken.
ReplyDeleteGreat chapter Fury! As always your legacies are far above par :)
The kraken is why you can't have anything nice ahahah cried laughing at that :)
ReplyDeleteyour game does the weirdest f@$#ing things :D