Chapter 9: We Can Work It Out
Ohhhhhh what a pickle we find ourselves in. Last chapter saw Aarin and her boyfriend Troy have a baby, age into young adults, and head off to university in an attempt to further their careers.
I can't even say it was all going well to begin with... From the minute the couple arrived on campus Troy began acting weirdly, and now it has culminated in this- Aarin finding Troy in bed with another man.
So, just how is she going to react?
Urm, not sure who invited you... Apparently Aarin's friend Madison had a lot to say about Troy's cheating ways, but what of Aarin herself?
Well, to be honest it was pretty much a non event. Other than a couple of negative moodlets flying around Aarin didn't seem bothered about Troy sleeping with Scot at all.
Yeah... I don't get it.
So with the drama over, for now, the juice kegger just continued as normal.
Well, I say 'normal', but just look at this image. LOOK AT IT.
You see, this is why we can never have nice things. I can never just have normal Sims can I? Ugh...
So given the insanity that was the last party I decided that maybe for the next few days we would steer clear of juice keggers and maybe send Aarin and Troy out to enjoy some of the campus amenities, accompanied as always by ghost Bonehilda.
Whilst enjoying a nice game of bowling I began to realise that maybe not all was well with Aarin after all, given the anger shown on her face as she fucking pelted the bowling ball at the pins.
The following night I decided to throw yet another party (I know, I couldn't help myself) but we went for a bonfire party instead of a juice kegger in the hope that it would be somewhat less eventful.
I was wrong.
Things got off to a nice enough start- Bonehilda and her boyfriend Hank spent most of the evening cuddled up in the hot tub together. It was lovely, but over by the bonfire itself things were kicking off...
For some bizarre reason Aarin decided to break the news to Scot that Troy had been 'cheating' on him. I mean, WTF? He's been cheating on you, you daffy bitch. And Scot shouldn't be all upset about it because he has a girlfriend too!
Evidently Scot was very very upset about it though. What the heck...
It was then that, finally, Aarin decided to confront Troy about cheating on her.
He was immediately apologetic and begged for forgiveness.
And you know what, Aarin forgave him.
What the hell Aarin?? It's not like he slipped and fell on Scot (or up him), give him a piece of your mind girl!
But I got what I wanted soon enough, as despite being given a second chance Troy just completely threw it away when he embraced Scot in front of the bonfire, right in front of Aarin.
She was not impressed and, despite me frantically trying to click off her actions, Aarin broke up with Troy right there and then.
Yes, I know he deserved it, but they have a son together- I didn't want them to break up completely :/
Over the next few days in the household things were a bit awkward to say the least. Troy was overcome with regret over what had happened, and basically just spent his time pining over Aarin.
Bonehilda was on hand of course to help both Troy and Aarin through this difficult time.
But maybe she was a little too hands on at times...
At another bonfire party by the lake a couple of days later Aarin was also in the comforting mood, as she let Troy cry on her shoulder.
He apologised again and again for his actions, and it really seemed like Aarin was considering forgiving him, but sadly it wasn't to last.
Bathed in the warm glow of the bonfire, Aarin got chatting to a friend of hers, and things took on a distinctly flirty nature.
As the sun began to rise Aarin and Matthew shared their first kiss.
The next day in the Wolf household Troy tried his best to concentrate on his studies, and not what was going on upstairs...
I guess when Aarin moves on, she really moves on.
Well you know what they say- the best was to get over someone is to get under someone else...
Following Aarin and Matthew's roll in the sack Troy took the opportunity to try to talk to his former lover, as Bonehilda distracted Matthew with a massage.
At first Aarin wasn't particularly interested in talking to Troy, but then he made an offer to help her with her Fine Arts classes that she just couldn't refuse.
Oh yeah, posing nude- always a way to win that old flame back.
Orrrrrrrr not. Maybe Aarin needs to work on her sketching skills a little bit more.
Ouch. I knew when Troy offered to give Aarin a massage afterwards I shouldn't have trusted him.
So the next day brought about a momentous occasion- Troy reached level 8 in the Jock Social Group, and as such was able to choose an additional trait. He's now got the Nurturing trait, which I really hope will enable him to bond with his son despite him not being with Aarin anymore.
But I guess we will find out soon enough, as the following day it was time for Troy, Aarin, and Bonehilda to graduate.
Both Troy and Aarin graduated with a perfect GPA, Bonehilda not so much... Methinks I should have spent more time keeping an eye on her, though personally I think it's hard to do well getting a Physical Education degree when your whole physique is bones.
The graduation was a typical EA disaster- Troy, Aarin, and Bonehilda rocked up in their gowns but just basically ended up being stuck outside the graduation hall for the whole evening.
Eventually the trio managed to graduate, and I discovered that among the crowd that had gathered outside were some of Aarin's family. Her parents Julian and Kendra are out there somewhere, but the only one Aarin could manage to speak to in time was her grandmother Lylah.
Meanwhile, Troy was saying his own goodbyes...
Bonehilda was the last to graduate, and immediately after I tried to rush her over to see Hank, but unfortunately time ran out and she was forced to leave campus before she could talk to him :(
It had been an eventful couple of weeks, but now it was time for Troy, Aarin, and Bonehilda to leave university life behind.
Before long the trio returned to the Wolf house, and immediately Troy and Aarin got stuck in to reconnecting with their family.
Time had stood still whilst they were at uni, so fortunately Aarin hadn't missed any of her son Max's life.
But now that she was back she had the qualifications to get on in her career, so she got a job working at the local restaurant and was able to start from much higher up on the career ladder.
Troy was also reaping the benefits of uni life, as his influence in the Jock social group meant he was able to get a special job as a Sports Agent.
However, things weren't going quite as well for Bonehilda...
You may remember that, after Bonehilda was resurrected, she was left unable to form relationships with anyone due to a glitch making everyone instantly forget her the moment she stopped talking to them. I thought that the curse had been broken when she went to university, but sadly it seemed that once she was back in Isla Paradiso it had returned in full force.
Fortunately though her relationships from university were still intact, so the next morning I invited her boyfriend Hank over. And that's when I discovered something upsetting...
The minute Hank arrived on the homelot the curse struck again, and Hank completely forgot who she was :(
The fact that he was instantly attracted to her just made it all the more sad! Poor Bonehilda :(
With there being nothing I could do for her I just let Bonehilda go back to cleaning the house as usual, and turned my attention back to Aarin. Life for Aarin was going pretty well- her job in the culinary career was progressing quite nicely, and she had taken up sculpting on the side.
But what of her relationship with Troy? Well due to overcrowding in the neighbourhood I hadn't been able to get Troy a place of his own, so he had stayed living with the Wolfs.
To be honest I was pretty glad Troy had stayed in the household, as it had given time for his relationship with Aarin to repair slightly. They weren't quite best buddies yet, but it was getting there.
Plus it meant that Max had both of his parents around, which was nice for him.
Party time once again! Really I can't help myself- since the introduction of Leisure Days I find myself throwing a party any time I can. This one was a costume party to celebrate 'Spooky Day'.
The party provided a nice opportunity for some cross-generational bonding, as Aarin and Lylah posed for a selfie.
And family connections were strengthened in other ways as we had a visit from Aarin's sister Aafia for the first time since her death.
And speaking of death...
I swear every time I have a party someone goes and fucking dies- this time it was Julian, who decided to inconvenience me by dying in the smallest room in the house.
I was sad to see Julian go, but he seemed pretty accepting of the situation.
Of course Julian's death meant he wasn't around to witness his grandson Max's birthday, which happened the next day.
Unfortunately hardly anyone was around to witness it tbh- Aarin was out at work and Kendra was off mourning Julian's death. Lylah and Zingbot had been invited over, but were remaining illusive.
Nevermind eh, let's just watch Max change into a child.
Oh there you are Lylah! Why are you dancing in the nursery? You're supposed to be watching your great-grandson age up!
For fucks sake Troy, not you too...
Later on Aarin returned home from work, and she soon joined her son and her ex-boyfriend for the evening.
Since returning home Troy and Aarin had been slowly working on rebuilding their tattered relationship, and they were actually friends once again by this point.
Aarin was feeling a bit vulnerable at this time, what with her father dying the day before, so Troy took the opportunity to get a bit closer to her by offering her comfort.
Well, for a little bit anyway, then he went all crazy. He doesn't even have the Insane or Inappropriate trait so I don't know what the hell was going on.
Still, it worked.
Yay, I'm so glad that Troy and Aarin are working it out (maybe?). I mean, I know he cheated on her, with a guy, but can't they just stay together for the kids?! Unless of course Aarin meets someone we like
ReplyDeleteNo! Poor Julian. So sad to see him go. But, Aafia's ghost showed up? I missed her. Still sad over her death. And poor, poor Bonehilda. That incorporeal bag of bones just can't catch a break, can she?
haha I love that Layla is still popping up every once in awhile. Max is such a cutie! Loved this chapter. So funny, all the hijinks your sims get into.