Chapter 10: Procreation With Reparations
Hello there, and welcome to today's episode of suicidal child cowplant flirtathon.
This is sadly not the first time that Max has tried to have a nibble at Triple Cream's cake slice, and unfortunately I don't think it'll be the last.
We're very very lucky that children can't be eaten by cowplants.
So when he wasn't spending his time inside of Triple Cream's gob, the youngest Wolf liked to spend his days doing somewhat normal childhood things.
Max was a shy kid so didn't really have any friends, but fortunately his dad Troy was happy to spend all his free time keeping his son company.
This all meant that Max was one of the most well-rounded kids I've had, as he was constantly looked after and helped with schoolwork by his dad.
Even Bonehilda got in on the act.
So yeah, Max is nice and all, but sooooo boring...
Jeez, what does that say about me that I'm happiest when my Sims are causing mischief and mayhem?
Anywho, despite Max's rather vanilla existence there was something interesting about him, namely his invisible friend Connor.
Max had been very attached to his stuffed dolly during his toddler years, so when he became a child his friend grew up with him. I guess this makes up for Max's lack of real life buddies eh.
So over the next few days in the Wolf household life continued very much as usual, by which I mean Max spent almost every day up in the attic getting cow chomped.
He survived of course, and seemed very aggrieved when I locked him out of the attic so he could partake in the party going on downstairs.
During the festivities Troy took to opportunity to present his ex-girlfriend Aarin with a gift in an attempt to win her over.
Last chapter saw a tumultuous time in the relationship of Troy and Aarin. Whilst they were at university Aarin had found her boyfriend in bed with another man, which meant they swiftly broke up. Since moving back home after college Troy and Aarin had remained living together for the sake of their son Max, during which time Troy had attempted to make amends.
Now, finally, it seemed all was forgiven as Aarin agreed to give their relationship another go.
And of course they had to head to the bedroom immediately afterwards to seal the deal...
The following morning was a good one for Aarin- not only was she back together with Troy but things with her career were also going well. Aarin was employed as a chef and had been progressing nicely in the career, and in addition to this she had also saved enough money to buy ownership of the two bistros in town.
Later that night it was Max's birthday and time for him to age up.
He aged into quite a cute young teenager. I think he takes after his dad the most.
Err, but I really hope he doesn't take after his dad in personality...
Oh dear... Why does it always seem to happen that whenever someone dies in this household it's always in the middle of a party?
I guess it was inevitable though- Kendra had lived a good, long life so it was time for her to meet her maker. Still, it's sad isn't it?
Oh for fucks sake Aarin, you're meant to be sad!
So the day after Kendra's death everyone in the house was feeling suitably sad (at last). However, Aarin had a plan in mind to stop her missing her mother too much, albeit an unconventional one.
Death takes your family member away, why not just grow another one?
Readers, meet Ivy Wolf.
So leaving Ivy aside for a moment as babies are boring, we turn our attention back to Max. After growing up into a teenager of bloody course the first thing Max did was pay a visit to Triple Cream.
Our resident heifer wasted no time in gobbling Max up, which caused a sharp intake in breath for me as now he was a teen Max could actually die.
Fortunately he was spared on this occasion, and at this point I decided to ban Max from the attic permanently for his own safety.
This didn't prove to be the best outcome for Max though, as being unable to venture upstairs meant that Max was much more likely to run into ghost Bonehilda, and as you can see he's fucking terrified of her. The poor lamb could barely function on most days- every time he tried to go to the toilet or the fridge or anywhere she'd come floating through the walls and he'd just drop whatever he was doing and leg it.
In the end Max just spent most of his time outside, which wasn't too bad as he had Connor for company.
And before long he had other people for company too as he made AN ACTUAL FRIEND.
Birthday time! Who would like to see Ivy as a toddler?
Black hair? Really? I don't know who the yellow eyes are from either.
Still, she's a cutie in her own way.
So with a toddler in the house it fell to her parents Aarin and Troy to teach her all of the relevant life skills.
Ivy learnt to walk first which was just lovely as it meant she could potter around the house leaving an adorable trail of petals.
Yup, it's official- Ivy is my favourite toddler of the Wolf's so far. Look how cute!
I tried not to focus all of my attention on Ivy, really I did, but even when I was looking after other members of the family Ivy would just pop up in the background looking all cutesy.
Clearly though I shouldn't have been spending all my time stalking Ivy as SOMEHOW Max was able to get back into the attic and have another go at Triple Cream's cake slice. Grr...
After banishing Max from the attic once again I turned my attention back to Ivy, who unfortunately was celebrating her birthday outside with only the gnomes for company.
Yeah, gloomy backyard birthdays don't make for the best transition photos...
Immediately after aging Ivy ran back inside the house to spend some time with her favourite member of the Wolf household- little fluffykins Moe.
Seriously, she doesn't like the actual people in the Wolf house much at all. I guess maybe that has something to do with the fact that she's evil...
Elsewhere in the house Troy and Aarin weren't exactly bothered that their children weren't getting on.
They were too busy making new ones.
So with another child on the way the house was getting a bit too full, and consequently I felt it was time to move the Wolfs off their private island and into a much bigger home.
And here it is! It's probably my favourite house I've built so far.
I think the best bit of the house is the attic that can only be reached by a ladder from the second floor.
But it's not just any old attic, there's a bookcase/secret door in there which leads to...
Triple Cream! Yep, the new house has a secret room just for our favourite cowplant.
Hopefully the fact that she's locked away will mean that Max will stay away from her...
So before long everyone soon got settled into the new house. Aarin of course couldn't wait to make the most of the huge garden, and so spent some time planting various fruits and vegetables.
Meanwhile Bonehilda was proving extremely useful as she gave an upgrade to all of the appliances in the house.
Seriously, Bonehilda is like the skill master. Given she can't form relationships with people there's not much else for her to do I guess.
With her fledgling garden suitably planted Aarin had nothing else to do but relax and wait for the new baby to arrive.
...Or so I thought.
For some unknown reason Aarin all of sudden decided to accuse Troy of cheating on her. Thing is, he hasn't! Yes he's been bad in the past, but seriously he's been completely faithful since they got back from Uni so I don't know where this sudden accusation has come from.
It came at the worst time as well- the couple's relationship completely bottomed out and before I could do anything to try to fix it Aarin went into labour.
The duo put their differences aside for a bit while they went to the hospital, and they soon returned with a baby girl in tow- Bryony.
Of course the harmony wasn't to last. As soon as Bryony had been plonked in her crib Aarin immediately began freaking out at Troy again over his supposed infidelity.
But to his credit Troy didn't get angry and make things worse, he just sucked up his pride and apologised.
I think the apology worked, given the rumbling that soon emitted from the treehouse.
Eww, Ivy I don't think you want to go in there...
But despite their initial romantic rendezvous the harmony wasn't to last, and Aarin was soon screaming at Troy once again (seriously, I've tried stopping her- she won't stop).
In the end I decided to just leave Troy and Aarin to it, and instead I focused my attention on Ivy and her pursuit of friendship.
She was doing well- at least to begin with. She actually reached BFF status with Ruby here, but she just couldn't stop her evil side coming out every so often.
Even though the Wolf household seemed constantly on the verge of civil war we somehow managed to avoid anyone killing each other, and all family members made it to that days birthday extravaganza.
Max was first to age.
Jeez Aarin, can't you let Max have a nice picture by himself without getting your face in...
Upstairs in the nursery Bryony was next.
GINGE GINGE YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Thank you to Kendra's genetic throwback!
Next it was Aarin's turn to age into an Adult.
Don't worry though, I fixed her.
And finally it was Troy's turn.
Oh for gawds sake Aarin, can't you let the man age in peace?
I have a feeling these two are going to be causing me problems all throughout their Adult years...
this was so great! I love this family XD