Chapter 11: The End of the Line
Hello all, welcome back to The Wolf Family Legacy and to a nice day out at the beach- a lovely example of the harmony and normalcy that we have become accustomed to in this legacy.
Oh, who am I kidding? This is why we can never have nice things...
Y'see, although on the surface things may seem all pleasant unfortunately that's not really the case. Current legacy heir Aarin is having some difficulty trusting boyfriend Troy at the moment, and yes he may have cheated on her with another man in the past, but he's been completely faithful for a really long time now so I don't know what her problem is.
Nevertheless, the animosity between the two of them is at an all-time high.
It even got to the point where Aarin decided to start hitting on random guys in an effort to make Troy jealous.
And yet, at the same time Troy and Aarin can't keep their hands off each other. What the hell??
Oh jeez, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse I look outside to find ghost Bonehilda making out with generation two's dearly departed heir Julian. For Pete's sake...
I think the only normality there is in my legacy right now comes in the form of the kiddies- such as cutesy little Bryony here.
And there's Ivy of course, who unfortunately was forgotten about on her birthday so she aged up out and about in the town somewhere.
As a teenager Ivy's hobbies took a distinctly arty nature. She was a virtuoso so soon started building up her piano skill... well as her painting skill.
But I'd say the most predominate part of Ivy's personality is the fact that she's PURE EVILLLLLLLLLL.
Taking Bryony's candy, for shame.
Although Ivy might not be the nicest person when it comes to her family, that's not to say that she was mean to everyone.
Since meeting as children, Ivy and Ruby had built up a strong friendship and were now BFFs.
Of course, it helped that Ruby was also EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
Ivy liked that about her, a lot...
But that's not to say everyone was happy with Ivy's new found friendship.
Maybe it was more to do with the fact that Ivy broke curfew that was the problem, not quite sure why Aarin had to bring Moe the cat into it though...
Particularly when Moe has more important things to do, like hunting vermin.
In spite of Aarin's protestations Ivy and Ruby still continued to hang out over the next few days.
This of course gave Ivy time to make her move...
Errr, Aarin? Little privacy please?
Oh come on now, that's just rude.
Don't be so lesbianist.
Leaving the girly love-in aside for a moment we turn our attention to our moggy Moe as he celebrates his birthday.
He aged gracefully, turning into a distinguished and refined gentleman.
Over the next couple of days things pretty much carried on as normal in the Wolf household. Troy and Aarin continued to bicker as always.
Meanwhile when not at school Ivy and Ruby spent most of their time hanging out together.
Now to be honest, in terms of their relationship I was planning for Ivy and Ruby to take it a little slow, but Ruby herself had other ideas...
Erm, Bonehilda? Privacy??
What is wrong with people in this household...
Yes, laundry. Laundry is really important right now isn't it Bonehilda. Jeez.
It's at times like this I'm thankful for the little ball of sunshine that is Bryony.
So speaking of Bryony, the next day it was her birthday as well as 'Spooky Day' so a little party was thrown for the occasion.
Let's see what our little gingernut looks like as a child eh?
Erm, SimFury?
Trust my simself to go ahead and hit on Troy right when Bryony is aging up.
Right in front of Aarin as well. Awesome.
Oh for fucks sake. I blame Troy for this one entirely. Well, SimFury might share a tiny bit of the blame for getting him going in the first place.
Now understandably Aarin wasn't too impressed with her boyfriend kissing another woman right in front of her, and she wasn't shy about letting him know.
And then, just when I thought things couldn't get any more awkward or bizarre, SimFury went and asked Troy to move in with her, and he accepted!
Happy fucking birthday Bryony.
The following morning I shipped Ivy and Bryony off to school whilst I tried to deal with the catastrophic situation that was Troy and Aarin's relationship.
I'd managed to track down where Troy had moved to so sent Aarin round to have it out with him.
Unfortunately Troy was just far too busy playing tonsil tennis with yours truly to take much notice of his girlfriend's arrival.
Aarin made herself known before long though as she broke up with Troy once and for all.
And Troy?
Well, this time he couldn't have cared less.
Anyways, later than afternoon there was a new arrival in the Wolf household. Not, not the gathering army of chipmunks, but our new kitty Namibia.
To be honest I mainly got her as a friend for Bryony, given that she doesn't really have any of the human variety yet.
I felt bad for Bryony- she'd only just become a child and already she had had to put up with her parents breaking up. Still, despite the fact that things were somewhat frosty between Troy and Aarin I still made sure that Troy kept in touch with his daughter.
And besides, Aarin was so busy hitting the dating scene that she was never home to clash with Troy anyways.
Anyways, all in all Bryony actually got off to a good start with her childhood, as thanks to Troy's tuition she had made it onto the honor roll.
And as well as this she also made a friend. Now I'll be honest I was a little surprised that this happened because, well...
...Bryony's a little unusual.
Or maybe a lot.
So the next day it was the night of the prom and time for Ivy and Ruby to trip the light fantastic, whatever that means.
All in all they had a blast, and came back with probably the best prom photo ever.
The following day it was Namibia birthday.
Bryony certainly was pleased with her.
I on the other hand have my reservations...
I never get tired of reading your stories because your sims are just hilarious... They can't keep their relationships to themselves can they? Lol and cute kitties by the way but Bryony better watch out for Namibia O.o