Chapter 15: Matrimony, and a New Pony!
Hello all, welcome back to The Wolf Family Legacy and to birthday time for our horse Mocha.
Yeyy wooo sparkles excitement etc. etc. But let's move on to more interesting things shall we.
Y'see although we love Mocha there's another horse I'm much more interested in atm, which is this shiny unicorn here.
Bryony had been getting pally with the unicorn on every available opportunity for the past couple of Sim weeks, and had even completed the unicorn's request to 'be a friend to all animals' by befriending a cat, dog, and horse.
Surely now the unicorn would accept the invitation to join our lovely household??
Oh you bloody git...
I don't know what the hell is going on! By all rights the unicorn should have said yes to Bryony's proposal, but the stubborn hoofer just kept saying no :(
Bryony's lifetime wish was to have a unicorn join the household, a wish that I really hoped she'd accomplish by the time she reached her birthday, but sadly it was not to be.
Nevertheless, the birthday went on and Bryony transitioned into an adult.
Now she was an adult naturally Bryony's mind turned to adult things, like settling down and so on.
With this in mind she invited boyfriend Charlie to join her in the garden that night to ask him a very important question...
There seemed little point in hanging about so the next night a simple ceremony took place, with only Ghost Bonehilda, Mocha, and the two cats Namibia and Fudge as witnesses.
Bryony continued to revel in geeky joy throughout the exchanging of the rings.
And with that Charlie and Bryony were married.
After the wedding the happy couple of course retired to the bedroom for the evening.
Meanwhile, downstairs introductions were being made as Jambo, Charlie's dog, moved into the household.
Married life got off to a nice easy start for Bryony and Charlie. It was the heat of summer and both were off work for the day, so they headed to the local park to enjoy the sights.
And sights they did see, such as this disgraceful display of flirting between Bryony's ex-boyfriend Adam and her great-grandmother (and our legacy founder!) Lylah.
There were also some other familiar faces about, such as Adam's daughter Alix- who is actually Bryony's cousin due to the fact that Adam is married to Bryony's aunt Aafia.
It's all very confusing I know, I'd suggest you have a read back through previous chapters if you're having trouble keeping up.
Because Bryony's a nice person she decided to introduce herself to Alix, but she was not met with the nicest pleasantries in return...
Yeahhhh, I think Alix is a meanie.
But it's okay, because Jambo- quick to come to Bryony's aide- soon wandered over and peed on Alix. Lawl.
He then proceeded to chase her around the park, which amused me greatly.
The following day it was animal birthday time once again, and this time it was Fudge's turn to age as he became an elder.
With both cats and the horse now in old age I was getting a little concerned that poor Jambo would soon be left alone as the only pet in the house.
Naturally I decided the best thing would be to get him a friend.
And fortunately it seemed like the right decision, as Jambo warmed to Jinxy instantly.
Later that night and Bryony was at the local pond once again attempting to lure the resident unicorn into the household.
And FINALLY it worked. Little tip- I think the 'friend to all animals' thing is only achieved when all the animals live in the active household.
With a shiny new horsey in the household Bryony was in her element as she set about caring for him and preparing him for racing training.
I decided to name the unicorn Winter by the way, in honour of my previous legacy's founder.
You can see the resemblance right?
Now as Winter was a unicorn he skilled really quickly, so it wasn't long before Bryony was able to enter him in some races.
But the racing career was put on hold when Bryony discovered she was pregnant.
Charlie was of course ecstatic when Bryony told him the exciting news.
And both prospective parents soon decided to make sure they were prepared by reading some pregnancy books.
Err Jambo?? Get your head out of there- you can't meet the baby yet!
With Bryony in the family way she soon found herself feeling a bit troubled, as she had no immediate family left other than Charlie and certainly no one she could talk to about pregnancy things.
As a result she decided to take the brave step of visiting a face from her past.
Bryony hadn't seen her aunt Aafia since she'd slept with her boyfriend Adam, got knocked up, and the two of them ran off together. They got married not long after, had the baby (Alix), but then to my surprise after Aafia got pregnant for the second time she and Adam divorced and he moved out of the house, leaving Aafia all alone with the two kids.
Despite everything that had happened Bryony couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for Aafia, and the fact that she responded so positively when Bryony told her about the pregnancy was actually kind of sweet.
A couple of days later and Bryony was back in the garden once again, this time huffing and puffing as she prepared to pop out a baby.
Oh I'm sorry, are we boring you love?
The little kiddie arrived before long- a boy, named Trent.
With a new baby in the house one of the spare rooms was transformed soon into a nursery, and Bryony made sure Trent settled in by cuddling him and feeding him and such.
Sadly though she wasn't able to feed herself afterwards, as Fudge and Namibia were too busy by fussing each other in front of the fridge...
They moved eventually, and then Fudge puked on the floor as a sign of protest.
But not to worry eh, Death will sort those pesky kitties out.
...Hang on, what?
Oh darn, I guess Namibia's days were numbered. Bye kitty!
But life goes on yanno, as demonstrated the next day when it was time for Trent to age up.
Oh no, it's not- I'm sure Trent's fine, although Jinxy doesn't seem too sure...
Don't eat the child Jinxy...
Fortunately Trent survived his brush with doggy teeth, and was able to spend the next couple of days learning life skills from his parents.
To be honest, other than Jinxy trying to eat him, Trent had quite a nice simple childhood, it's just unfortunate that he was too bloody grumpy to appreciate it. I think he just really hates bedtime.
OH JESUS FUCK WHAT IS THAT. I know I said you don't like bedtime Trent, but stretching yourself out of the crib is a bit much don't you think??
Kids eh, aren't they a pain in the arse.
Why not try for another one?
I died when you showed Jinxy trying to eat Trent
ReplyDeleteI was looking forward to a new episode :)