Chapter 16: Puppies in the Pack
So we start off this chapter with yet another birthday- this time it was Jambo the dog's turn to become an elder.
But there wasn't much time for birthday celebrations as a little while later we said goodbye to one of our other elders- Mocha the horse.
But oh no, no no no Death wasn't done there.
Nope, the Grim Reaper also felt compelled to make one more stop as he scooped up a worried looking Fudge the cat to take him off to the afterlife.
Jambo and Jinxy did try their best to fight Death off but sadly to no avail.
The following day- in an attempt to cheer the family up- I sent them round to visit family 'friend' Aafia.
Now for those up to date of the saga of Aafia, the latest update is she now has a new boyfriend and is pregnant with her third child.
The next morning Bryony followed suit with a pregnancy of her own.
Charlie was suitably excited about the news, being such a family man as he was.
But before we could get down to introducing another Wolf to the family, first there was the matter of Trent's birthday to get out of the way.
So, let's see what our boy looks like when he's growed up eh?
What a cutie.
But Trent wasn't the only one with a birthday that day- it was also Charlie's turn to age up, and to become and elder.
Aww, poor olde Charlie.
Bryony didn't seem to mind his new wrinkliness at all though.
So Trent was now a child and his new trait was Bookworm, so he wasted no time in starting to read as many books as he could get his greedy mitts on.
He was also a genius, and so spent a lot of his time building his logic skill through pursuits like chess and astronomy.
In addition he displayed a keen interest in anatomy, as shown when he put his hand through Bryony's pregnant belly...
Yep, all in all life was pretty sweet for the Wolf family- it's probably the most harmonious family unit I've had for a long time.
And it was about to get even sweeter with the arrival of a litter of adorable puppies ^_^
Did I not mention that Jinxy was pregnant? My bad.
So anywho, after Jinxy's litter produced two lovely puppies (who I named Floyd and Lloyd) it wasn't long before it was Bryony's turn to add to the brood.
She returned from the hospital with a boy called Rafferty.
Now as the baby stage is hella boring we move on now to Rafferty's birthday, and his transition into a toddler.
Ahem, anyways. So Rafferty was now a toddler and as such needed lots of love and attention and all that, and fortunately big brother Trent was more than happy to help out.
Just as well really, as certain other family members were too busy flirting with Triple Cream the cowplant...
But apparently that wasn't enough excitement for Charlie, as afterwards he went and got himself abducted by aliens as well.
You idjit...
With Charlie busy getting probed it fell to Bryony to teach little Raff his life skills.
Charlie did return eventually though- he came into the room and just sat quietly in the corner for a while. Poor dear...
Anywho, in the Wolf household the cuteness was JUST TOO MUCH, so it was probably a good thing when the time came for the puppies to age up and become invariably less adorable.
Oh, it's okay, it's okay. I don't know what the frick went on there, but Floyd and Lloyd aged okay in the end. And look- twinsies!
Don't ask me why they don't look like either of their parents though *grumble* stupid Sim genetics...
Immediately after aging up Floyd and Lloyd ran outside to go enjoy themselves in the snow, however this was slightly affected by the ever-growing gnome army taking over the house. I'm quite proud of my collection though.
So a couple of days later it was birthday time once again, so of course the whole family gathered for the occasion.
Trent was first to age up.
Followed by Rafferty.
Then it was Bryony's turn.
Awww my poor little ginge looks so worried *sob* I don't want her to age either.
But she looks pretty good as an oldie eh?
Now that Trent was a teenager one of the first things he wanted to learn was how to drive, and Charlie was happy to teach him.
Rafferty meanwhile was more interested in fussing all the doggies in the house, being a animal lover as he was.
And as well as good relationships with all the pets in the household Raff also maintained a friendship with his big brother Trent.
It helped that Trent was such a smartypants, as he was able to tutor Rafferty and make sure he excelled in school.
Not that Raff was that bothered about school though, nope he preferred to spend his time out and about in the world- in particular on the farm with all the animals.
But Rafferty was artistic too, so he also spent a great amount of time working on his painting skill.
Trent meanwhile had other pursuits in mind, such as building his athletic skill.
His new found buffness soon came in handy when it came to picking up the ladies, such as this young woman who was Trent's date to the prom.
Now whilst I was looking after Trent and Rafferty I pretty much left the elders of the household to themselves, which I soon realised was a bad idea when I discovered them using the time machine in the basement O_O
Fortunately Bryony and Charlie survived their adventure, but someone else didn't.
Seeing Grim is never a good sign...
Sadly I messed up on the picture front and didn't manage to capture the reaping, but it was Jambo who had reached the end of his life on this occasion. Rafferty in particular took the death especially hard, considering how much he loved all the animals.
Consequently I decided to get my favourite ginger lad a lovely ginger kitty to help him feel better.
I named him Big Ginge, because I am lame.
Join us for more next time!
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